VR started operating in Sweden: The trains have better seats and toilets than Finland

VR has a lot to learn from the Swedish market, believes CEO Elisa Markula.

VR: n green trains started operating in Sweden on Monday.

The operation is made possible by the acquisition of the Swedish long-distance operator MTRX, for which VR received the approval of the Swedish Competition Authority in May.

Thanks to the deal, VR operates about 30 percent of the traffic between Stockholm and Gothenburg, says the CEO Elisa Markula.



There are 18 daily shifts between Stockholm and Gothenburg. The trains operated by VR have been very full in their first week, says Markula.

Swedes’ experience of VR trains will differ slightly from the trains Finns are familiar with. Swedish trains are Stadler Flirt long-distance trains.

In Finland, somewhat similar trains are HSL’s purple commuter trains. However, the Stadler Flirt trains have even better benches and tables as well as toilets and a better restaurant.

“The trains are brand new, and that certainly affects comfort,” says Markula.

All of MTRX’s approximately 130 employees transferred to VR’s long-distance transport business in the deal. Markula praises the staff as excellent.

“They have succeeded in creating an excellent customer experience, and it can be felt and seen, and for which the company has received recognition,” he says.

Markula believes that VR has a lot to offer the Swedish market. At the same time, he feels that VR has a lot to learn from Sweden.

“This is a win-win situation.”

Compared to Finland, Sweden has a larger and earlier opened rail traffic market. It enables both development and competition.

VR has previously said that it is looking for experience in the Swedish market for the intensifying rail transport competition in Finland. According to Markula, the reason behind the deal is also the desire for growth.

VR has not disclosed the purchase price of the store to the public. MTRX’s turnover in 2022 was approximately SEK 350 million.

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