Entrepreneurs’ dissatisfaction with the government is growing, the survey reveals

The increase in value added tax annoys entrepreneurs, reports a recent survey

The summary is made by artificial intelligence and checked by a human.

Entrepreneurs’ satisfaction with the government fell to 45 percent in August, in spring and winter it was almost 60 percent.

The clearest cause of dissatisfaction was the hastily implemented VAT increase, says the CEO of Suomen Yrittäjie.

The most satisfied with the board were those employing more than 10 people, working in industry and those over 60 years old.

Entrepreneurs satisfaction with the government’s activities is decreasing, according to a recent survey by Suomen Yrittäki.

In August, 45 percent of entrepreneurs were satisfied with the government. In spring and winter, almost 60 percent still gave their support.

“The clearest factor creating dissatisfaction is the hastily implemented VAT increase, which did not give entrepreneurs enough time to adapt. The government was hard-headed about it. Some felt that half a percentage point was teasing”, states the CEO of Suomen Yrittäjie in the press release Mikael Pentikäinen.

He refers to the decimal part of the new value added tax, i.e. 25.5 percent. The general value added tax was increased by one and a half percentage points at the beginning of this month.

“Many entrepreneurs are also not satisfied with how the government brings about actions that support growth and heals the public finances. More is expected for both.”

The most satisfied the board consisted of entrepreneurs who employed more than ten people, worked in industry and were over 60 years old. Sole entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs were the most dissatisfied.

54 percent of male entrepreneurs are satisfied, but only 31 percent of women.

One could imagine that growing dissatisfaction would rain down on the opposition, but according to Gallup, this is not the case: satisfaction with the opposition is at 14 percent.

To the entrepreneur gallup answered in August 1,112 representatives of micro and SME companies. 45 percent of the respondents were self-employed.

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