Treasures of the Mediterranean, the Apollo Prize to Di Nicolò editions

Second evening for the Treasures of the Mediterranean 2024 which saw on the stage of the Arena dello Stretto of Reggio Calabria, together with the president of Nuovi Orizzonti Natalia Spanò, the publishing houses that participated in the literary prize “Apollo”.

A highly successful contest, which gives great prominence to the world of publishing, contributing with concrete support to the cultural promotion of our territories.

A continuous growth, that of the Apollo Award, which every year is enriched with new and welcome participations, registering registrations from Calabria and Sicily.

The winner of this 2024 edition is a new entry, Di Nicolò Edizioni.

First place, therefore, goes to the Sicilian publishing house that with “Le pentola del diavolo” by Gerardo Rizzo, takes home the “Apollo” trophy.

And the award represents just one of the many treasures of this splendid event that, for 19 years now, has animated the territory and promoted all the beauty that Reggio Calabria and beyond has to offer.

An ideal bridge, therefore, between the two shores, separated by water but united by culture and art, in general, thanks to the initiative of those who, like Nuovi Orizzonti, are committed and offer their contribution to the cultural growth of our territories.

By Editor

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