Pedro Varela sentenced to one and a half years in prison for spreading hate at the Europa Bookstore

Section 6 of the Provincial Court of Barcelona has sentenced Pedro Varela, owner of the Europa Bookstore (closed as a precautionary measure for this reason), to one and a half years in prison and a fine of 7 months, at the rate of 15 euros per day, for the crime of denial, serious trivialization or glorification of crimes against humanity.

The sentence, consulted by Europa Press, also disqualifies him from carrying out educational professions or jobs, in the teaching, sports and leisure fields for 3 years after serving the sentence of imprisonment imposed.

The court also disqualifies him from engaging in any profession, trade, industry or business related to the publishing, distribution and sale of books or publications, whether in a physical or virtual location, during the period of the sentence, and the court acquits the other four defendants.

By Editor

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