The National Risorgimento Award is born

The Institute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento (ISRI) has announced the first edition of the ‘Premio Nazionale Risorgimento’, which will be held in Rome in November: an initiative to promote knowledge of the Italian Risorgimento and the fundamental political, cultural and civil values ​​that characterized it. “Through the Premio Nazionale Risorgimento – explains Alessandro Campi, director of ISRI – we intend not only to celebrate the historical heritage of the Risorgimento, but also to enhance the cultural and moral legacy left by the protagonists of this crucial period. The values ​​of unity, freedom and civil commitment promoted during the Risorgimento continue to inspire generations of Italians and shape the national identity. The recognition of personalities and works that have distinguished themselves for their contribution to historical research and dissemination of themes, facts and figures of this fundamental historical period is – continues Campi – a way to honor and preserve the rich legacy of the Italian Risorgimento”.

The Prize will be awarded annually in three different sections: Lifetime Achievement Award: dedicated to an Italian or foreign personality who has made a significant scientific contribution to the study of the “long Risorgimento”; Historical Dissemination Award: intended for an Italian or foreign personality who has contributed significantly to the historical dissemination of the “long Risorgimento”; Book of the Year Award: assigned to a historical work published in Italy or abroad that has offered an innovative contribution to studies on the “long Risorgimento”.

The organization and management of the award will be handled by Isri, with the involvement of private and/or public sponsors and supporters. The nominations will be evaluated by two Juries: scientific and journalistic, composed of experts in the field of academic research and communication. The Scientific Jury in charge of evaluating the nominations for the award of the “Premio Nazionale del Risorgimento” for Lifetime Achievement (Section 1) and the “Premio Nazionale del Risorgimento” book of the year (Section 3), is composed of: Laura Fournier-Finocchiaro, Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes; Margorzata Kiwior-Filo, Professor at Uniwersytet Jagielloński Krakow; Francesco Perfetti, President of the National Historical Council; Francesco Tuccari, President of the Italian Association of Historians of Political Thought.

The Journalistic Jury in charge of evaluating the nominations for the awarding of the ‘National Prize of the Risorgimento’ for historical dissemination (Section 2), is composed of: Guido Boffo, director of ‘Il Messaggero’; Salvatore Carruba, former director of ‘Sole 24 ore’, director of the Milan territorial committee of the Institute for the history of the Italian Risorgimento; Agnese Pini, director of the QN Group – Resto del Carlino/La Nazione; Alessandra Sardoni, essayist, journalist and television host of La7. For further details on the nomination procedure and the awarding of the Prize, please visit the ISRI website under the ‘Notices and competitions’ section. The results of the selection will be announced during the award ceremony, which will be held in Rome on November 29.

The “Premio Nazionale Risorgimento” provides a cash award for the winners of each section. Isri will dedicate a special area on its institutional website – – ​​to present the winners of each edition and the reasons that led to the assignment of the Award. More information on the Award is available on the institutional website of Isri at the page:

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