“Calabria must focus on the past and on digital”

The president of the Magna Grecia Foundation, on the occasion of the conference entitled “Development paths of the territory between culture and territory”, at the National Archaeological Museum of Sibarite.

“Today we are in Sibari, where it all began, where Magna Graecia and civilization began. Without the past, there would be nothing that exists today.” Nino Foti, president of the Magna Grecia Foundation, said this during the conference entitled “Development paths of the territory between culture and territory”, at the National Archaeological Museum of Sibarite. “Calabria must focus on the past to promote its cultural heritage, but also on digital. Thinking about young people and their needs, developing technologies to accompany cultural heritage, is essential to attract their attention.”

“Today – continues Foti – we are talking about innovation and culture, we could not have chosen a better place in which to do it. Sibari was a place of innovation in the culture of Magna Grecia. Here women began to have a place in society, to take part in social life. This is the greatest example of innovation”. “For the Magna Grecia Foundation – concluded the president – it is an honor to be here to promote the culture and heritage of this extraordinary territory that is Calabria”.

By Editor

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