Environmental protection as a business plan: Minimum wage for bees

How much would a jar of honey cost if you paid the insects for it? The “Nature Positive” movement wants people to see environmental protection as an investment in the future. How that could work.

Polycrisis is a word that, in most people, initially activates the repression mechanisms that protect the brain from overload. Where do you start thinking? Or even acting? Sometimes it’s all a question of attitude, which is why the two days of the “DLD Nature” conference in Munich were such a surprising and groundbreaking experiment. Conference founder Steffi Czerny and actress Maria Furtwängler came up with this idea. What would happen if, in the spirit of the technology conference, with faith in the future, the spirit of optimism and the entrepreneurial spirit, you looked at such an overwhelming topic as the environment as an economic and technological crisis and nature as the infrastructure of civilization? It’s all a question of attitude.

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