“Love is in the meadow” on M6: nothing is going well with Murielle, Pascal is disillusioned

During episode 4 of “Love is in the Meadow”, viewers had left Pascal, the teddy bear of this new batch of suitors looking for their soul mate, in full love at first sight and cooing. During the speed dating, this beef cattle farmer had only received two letters.

After opening them in front of Karine Le Marchand, this very shy guy who has just conquered the demons of alcoholism had chosen the vivacious Murielle and had decided not to give a chance to Véronique, very clumsy in the exchange with him. His lucky chosen one promising him a bright future, the bachelor only kept her and therefore took a risk… that he perhaps should have avoided.

This Monday evening, we find Murielle who arrives at the house of “Pascalou” in Deux-Sèvres. She is rather very loaded, arrives with several heavy suitcases, even taking from home, herbs from her kitchen and her own napkin for dinner. For the moment, nothing serious.


But from her first steps in the house, although tidy, she begins to criticize everything. Starting with the decoration. “When I saw your portrait, when we did the visit, I saw a little of your interior, I said Oh, there are things to change in Pascal, he needs a woman », she says as a preamble, while still noting that “it’s clean.”

A long salvo of reproaches… all while smiling

A first warning before a long salvo of reproaches, always smiling. Everything is there. The sofa? “It’s too big.” The bouquet of flowers on the table? “That stinks, the smell is intoxicating my brain and is going to give me a headache.”


And she goes on to make unpleasant remarks like the fact that the orchids have faded, that the pellet stove ordered by Pascal is not really a good idea and that the syrup he offers her for an aperitif makes her taste buds itch! There is also no question of going to have lunch on the terrace due to the lack of a parasol. In short, nothing is going well.

As the camera goes on, Pascal’s face falls apart. “She’s great. She has some comments that bother me a little. Remarks about the house, this, that, about business. A little too commanding at first, but it’ll work,” he tries to persuade himself, good-natured.

“I am one of a kind”

At mealtime, things do not improve. Pascal had planned on the menu, “a steak from his cow » and green beans. Unfortunately, that won’t go down well either, despite the simplicity of the dish. “I have ulcerative colitis, which causes inflammation in my intestines. I’m not allowed to eat anything that’s green beans, anything with a shell or skin. If I eat them, it’s like gastroenteritis. I love Brussels sprouts, but if I eat them, I empty myself,” she tells him, leaving him no more mystery. And she adds: “And by the way, my meal times are the same, they have to be fairly regular. I can’t eat at 10 p.m. in the evening.”

Seeing Pascal’s now dejected expression, she admits: “So, yes, you didn’t come across someone simple, you came across someone special. I’m one of a kind.” Pascal takes it. “She’s a picky eater, her diet is special,” he admits, facing the camera. But Murielle continues by pushing the chair away: “Ah, you didn’t put any tampons under the chairs, it makes noise.” How will he be able to put up with such behavior? Will love at first sight sweep everything away in its path? To be continued.

By Editor

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