Reims: Jérôme Commandeur brings together Laurent Lafitte and François Damiens on the benches of the Clémenceau high school for a shoot

“We are very proud and super enthusiastic. Hosting the filming of a movie is super interesting for our students and it gives meaning to what we do. It gives a great image of the cooperation we can have with the artistic community.” Bertrand François, the principal of the Clémenceau high school in Reims (Marne) is on cloud nine. From October 15, 2024, “his” high school will host part of the filming of Jérôme Commandeur’s new film, “T’as pas changé”.

This is a welcome boon for the school, which has not received this type of proposal for over ten years. Just a few months ago, the project to film a TV movie for TF1 with Inès Reg in Reims fell through, but disappointment has given way to surprise at being spotted for this new project. This news is all the more meaningful since the school offers a cinema-audiovisual option followed by 150 students. “They will have the chance to be observers during the filming days that will take place during the next holidays. They will discover the filming methods, they will be in a practical situation in the heart of their school. It’s quite unique,” notes the principal. And the film crew, including director Jérôme Commandeur, already arrived at the school last week to present the different professions related to filmmaking.

500 extras and a slightly adapted high school

To top it all off, young people can now apply for the giant casting call that has been open for a few days. “We got the information quickly and some of our students applied to get roles as extras in the high school,” rejoices the principal. About a hundred high school students are actively sought, but also extras to be teachers, waiters, bank staff, concert spectators, wedding guests or even health professionals. Nearly 500 extras will be recruited for the filming.


As for the Clémenceau high school, it will undergo a little makeover. “It’s mainly in terms of light and colours. The team needs to adapt the premises, the principal’s office will also be set up elsewhere,” smiles its occupant, not bothered by this temporary move. But let Reims film buffs rest assured, the high school will be perfectly recognisable on screen, with its forecourt featuring a bronze sculpture and its wooded park. Especially since the location is particularly important in this story which revolves around three high school friends who meet up at a party, 20 years after their studies, illustrated by flashbacks from that time. Laurent Lafitte, François Damien, Vanessa Paradis and Jérôme Commandeur are in the cast of this feature film which will be shot until the end of the year in Reims and the surrounding towns.

By Editor

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