The Teatro Real will bring Spanish art to the main performing arts festival in Shanghai between October 16 and 18

He Royal Theater will carry a cultural program that will include a performance from his flamenco tour, the screening some Spanish-themed titles at the main performing arts festival in Shanghai (China) between October 16 and 18 and within the framework of its internationalization projects.

The general director of the Teatro Real, Ignacio García-Belenguer, heads the delegation of the Spanish institution that will travel to the Asian country, where, on October 16, in collaboration with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), it is Scheduled at the Pudong Art Museum (MAP) is the flamenco show starring dancer Ángeles Gabaldón, ‘Orígenes’, which joins one of the international tours of Authentic Flamenco from the Teatro Real.

On the second day, on October 17, the Teatro Real Creators series will be inaugurated at the Instituto Cervantes in Shanghai – a collaborating institution – with the screening of the audiovisual adaptation of the play ‘El amor brujo’, by Manuel de Falla, directed by choreographer Víctor Ullate. This programming will continue on Saturday at that center with ‘The Barber of Seville’, ‘Fuenteovejuna’ and ‘The Marriage of Figaro’.

Finally, on the 18th, the Real will participate in the China Shanghai International Arts Festival (CSIAF- ChinaSPAF) – which this year recovers face-to-face meetings after the pandemic -, one of the most important of its kind and in which, for a month , every year since 1999, the most important stage productions, both national and invited, pass through its stages and halls.

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