Michel Friedman’s “Foreign” at the Munich Kammerspiele

Katharina Bach transforms Michel Friedman’s “Fremd” into a brilliant, necessary, moving solo at the Munich Kammerspiele.

Before this premiere in the Schauspielhaus of the Münchner Kammerspiele, which is rightly applauded because everyone in the room feels how necessary, how indispensable this evening is, the actress Katharina Bach said in an interview that she thought she had to do something. Against the shift to the right in Germany, against anti-Semitism, against the racism that has become horrifically commonplace. So she decided to go all alone (with the help of Katrin Lindner as outside eye) Bringing Michael Friedman’s text “Fremd” to the stage. The management of the Kammerspiele was immediately enthusiastic about the idea. To do this, Bach needs a box, two construction lights, a bit of music and, above all, himself and the text. That’s more than enough for a disturbing, oppressive, rousing evening that always throws the viewer back on himself.

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