65.7% of Spaniards are satisfied with their free time and a third read “every or almost every day”, according to the CIS

Respondents value having culture over economic security or fulfillment at work, among other issues

And 65.7% of Spaniards are very or quite satisfied with the free time they have and two thirds consider that the cultural offer in Spain is good or very good. Regarding cultural habits, 86.7% say they are interested in music, half of those surveyed acknowledge having watched a series more than five times in recent months and a third claim to read “every or almost every day.” .

This is clear from the survey by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) carried out this month on culture and lifestyles, which asks about free time, tastes when it comes to enjoying leisure or reading.

The data collected in the survey on culture and lifestyles was carried out from September 20 to 27 with a sample of 3,701 interviews.

According to sociological research, 83.1% of those surveyed claim to feel “very or quite satisfied” with their life and only 10.8% feel “little or not at all” satisfied. The reasons that weigh most in the lives of Spaniards are: having culture for 97.5%, economic security for 95.7%, and 90.1% consider it “very or quite important” to achieve success at work, among other issues.

Compared to those who say they are very or quite satisfied with their leisure time, almost a third of Spaniards (32.9) say they are little or not at all satisfied and 91.4% of Spaniards say that culture is “very or quite” important in their life.

Regarding preferences, 86.7% affirm that they are interested in music “a lot or quite a lot”, 81.6% are committed to cultural heritage and 78.8% indicate that they are interested in reading.

66.9% of those surveyed consider that the cultural offer in Spain is “very good or good”, 26% say it is average and 4.8% say it is “bad or very bad.” For 31.7% of Spaniards, going to a current music concert is something cultural and leisure, only for 9.4% it is culture and not leisure. On the other hand, when asking about a classical music concert, for 44.6% it is both culture and leisure and for 38.8% it is just culture.

Price, however, is the main barrier to attending cultural activities. For 22.2% of respondents who see them as too high, while 18.7% allege lack of time and 16.8% lack of information.

88.2% “very or somewhat agree” with the interest in learning about the customs, culture and arts of other countries. 48.8% are more interested in Spanish music than foreign music in general, compared to 50.1% who prefer foreign music.


And 34.8% strongly or somewhat agree that modern painting is a joke and in many cases it could be done by a child, something with which 63.3% do not agree. 53.5% agree little or not at all with the statement that artistic works (books, films, etc.) must be reviewed if they are offensive to certain groups.

Regarding the last 12 months, 53.6% of Spaniards acknowledge having watched a series more than 5 times in recent monthsa figure similar to those who say they have seen or listened to a cultural program on more than 5 occasions (on television, radio or podcast), 52.6%. Regarding dance shows, 41.8% claim to have seen at least one in the last year. While those who claim to have gone to the theater at least once reach 52.7%.

Regarding reading, 33.2% of Spaniards say they read “every or almost every day”, 22.2% say they do it “once or twice a week”, 16.4% “sometimes a month” and 6.9% “sometimes a quarter”. Of the people who say they do not read, 44.1% say they “prefer to invest their time in other activities”, 35.1% say they don’t do it “because they don’t like it”, 33.7% “because lack of time” and 22.8% “due to lack of health”. Furthermore, 31.5% of Spaniards claim to have read 2 to 4 books in the last year, and 18% 5 to 8 books in the last 12 months.

When asking respondents about the stage of puberty, 49.2% said they often read for leisure or fun and 48.5% said they also frequently went to the movies. Regarding what their parents did, 32.7% of mothers read for leisure or fun, being the activity they practiced the most, and in the case of fathers, 25.7% read for leisure or fun with more frequently.

As for the children of those surveyed, 87.2% do sports activities, 47.4% do artistic or cultural activities, and 46.5% study languages.

By Editor

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