Sculptor finds in wire the medium to express his bold vision of nature

Sculptor finds in wire the medium to express his bold vision of nature

▲ Currently, Daniel Montalvo carries out his work at the Tramesa metal processing plant, located in the Agrícola Pantitlán neighborhood, since it provides him with the mobility and the appropriate environment for the production of his pieces, especially those of great height.Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Daniel Montalvo (Mexico City, 1969) is a sculptor whose free and experimental approach has led him to redefine the relationship between nature and art. His career began in 2003; Since then, he has created a three-dimensional work that stands out for its bold reinterpretation of natural elements.

Montalvo is a master in the use of aluminum wire, a material that, at first glance, may seem unusual for sculpture. However, its lightness, malleability and resistance to corrosion make it the perfect ally for the artist’s vision.

Aluminum wire allows me to create intricate and detailed shapes, which reflect the fragility and beauty of naturehe explains while showing one of his pieces. This material not only offers a metallic finish that plays with light, but also aligns with the sustainability values ​​that Montalvo fervently defends.

The essence of Montalvo’s creations lies in his disregard for established rules. This lack of restrictions allows him to experiment and evolve his style, leading to unexpected discoveries in each creation.

Each piece is unique and unrepeatable, a reflection of the diversity of natureexplained the sculptor in an interview with The Day. The irreverence in his approach allows him to transmit a powerful message, provoking emotions in those who find themselves in front of his designs.

Daniel Montalvo is inspired by the natural beauty of trees: their roots, trunks, branches and foliage. These organic shapes, with their varied textures, are the foundation of his sculptures.

Trees represent life, growth and connection. Exploring these meanings is essential to my creative process. A deep connection arises from them that leads me to represent the interdependence between humans and nature.

One of the distinctive characteristics of the artist’s work is his ability to adapt his sculptures to specific spaces. Before starting, carry out an exhaustive analysis of the environment where the work will be installed.

The light, architecture and atmosphere of the place become part of the sculpture itself, since each place has an essence that can be reflected in the piece, and this interaction is fundamentalhe emphasized.

My process involves a dance between the understanding of space and the freedom of experimentation. When creating custom works, I establish an open dialogue with the client with the purpose of merging my vision with my personal style. This not only enriches the piece, but also makes each sculpture resonate on multiple levels.

Each stop, a story

The versatility of aluminum wire allows Montalvo to explore different dimensions and scales. From monumental sculptures that inspire awe to smaller pieces that invite introspection; Each work has the power to tell different stories.

By changing the scale, the artist invites the viewer to view his work from multiple angles, fostering a dynamic experience. This exploration of dimensions enriches your artistic vision and offers new opportunities for expression.

Currently, Daniel Montalvo carries out his work at the Tramesa metal processing plant, a space located in the Agrícola Pantitlán neighborhood, which provides him with mobility and the appropriate environment for the production of his pieces, especially those of great significance.

Here I feel free to give free rein to my creativityhe says, while walking among aluminum threads and sketches in his workshop.

My work is not just art; It is a dialogue with the environment. I invite people to reflect on their own connection with nature. In a world where we often forget our relationship with the environment, sculptures are a powerful reminder that nature and art are intrinsically linked.

Daniel Montalvo’s work can be seen on his social networks: montalvo_arte on Instagram and Daniel Montalvo Escultura on Facebook.

Additionally, you can contact your representative, Diana Castañeda, via email [email protected].

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