‘The Revolt’, Estopa, Manuel Alejandro, Àngels Barceló and the series ‘La mesías’, Ondas Awards

David Broncano’s program ‘La revuelta’ (TVE), the groups Estopa and Los Chichos, the journalist Àngels Barceló, the composer Manuel Alejandro (special award) and the television series ‘La mesías’ (Movistar Plus+) are some of the Awards Ondas 2024, announced this Wednesday by the president of the jury and delegate of Prisa Media in Catalonia, Jaume Serra.

The 71 Ondas Awards, which coincide with the centenary of radio, are awarded annually from Prisa through Ràdio Barcelona of Cadena Ser: this time they had received 527 nominations from 15 countries in Europe, America and Asia, and they will be awarded on the 14th. November at the Liceu in Barcelona.

The awards also went to actors Alberto San Juan for his role in the series ‘Cristóbal Balenciaga’ (Disney+) and Mónica López for hers in ‘Rapa’ (Movistar Plus+), the podcast ‘La Ruina’, the program ‘Col ·lapse’ (3Cat), the presenters Isabel Jiménez (Telecinco) and Marta Reyero (Cuatro) and the series ‘Esto no es Sweden (RTVE and 3Cat).


The organization of the Ondas Awards, established by EAJ-1 Radio Barcelona, ​​has awarded a special award to the radio on its centenary to recognize the work of the hundreds of stations in Spain.

In the Spanish radio awards, Ondas have awarded ‘Sound Fiction’ (RNE) as best program and as best proximity program ex aequo to ‘Faktoria magazina’ (Euskadi Irratia) and ‘The window of memory’ (Ser Euskadi ).

For best special radio programming, the awards were given ex aequo to ‘El Mar. El Mur’ (3Cat) and ‘The Kennedy Assassination, 60 Years Later’ (Onda Cero), and ‘La cena de los idiotés’ (Cadena Ser). has won the award for best radio idea.

The journalist Àngels Barceló (Cadena Ser) has been awarded the lifetime achievement award for her 40 years of journalism, and ‘La ruina’ has won the award for best podcast.

In radio advertising, the Ondas award for best campaign went to ‘Super Seguridad’, by Mono for Movistar Prosegur Alarmas; The best radio agency went to Pingüino Torreblanca, and there was a special mention from the jury for the Ecoembes ‘Summer packaging’ campaign by iProspect.


In the television category, ‘La revuelta’ by David Broncano has won the award for best entertainment program, while the best current affairs program or special coverage has gone to RTVE, EITB and LaSexta for their programs for the 20 years of the 11-M and the best proximity program for ‘Col·lapse’ (3Cat) presented by Ricard Ustrell.

The award for best presenter went ex aequo to Marta Reyero (Cuatro) and Isabel Jiménez (Telecinco), the best comedy series went to ‘Esto no es suecia’ (RTVE and 3Cat) and the best drama series went to ‘The messiah’ (Movistar Plus+), created and directed by Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo.

For best performances, the Ondas have awarded Alberto San Juan for ‘Cristóbal Balenciaga’ (Disney+) in the male category and Mónica López for her role in ‘Rapa’ (Movistar Plus+).

The best documentary category went ex aequo to ‘How to Hunt a Monster’ (Prime Video) and ‘You’re Not Alone, Fighting the Pack’ (Netflix).

In the international awards, Ondas have awarded ‘We are at war’ on the radio. The rehearsal is cancelled. The kyiv Symphony Orchestra in search of a second place’, by Rundfunk Berlin-Branderburg, and on television to ‘Seven Winters in Tehran’, by Made in Germany Filmproduktion, Gloria Films Production and TS Productions.


In music, the Ondas have awarded ex aequo for their career to Estopa for their 40-year career and Los Chichos for their 50; as musical phenomenon of the year to Ginebras, and as best show or tour to Telefónica 100 Live, for the macro-concert of its centenary.

Los Ondas have awarded a special prize to composer Manuel Alejandro for his contribution to collective memory with his songs.

By Editor

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