“Scientifically questionable”, “outmoded”: a show on the History of France is controversial

A grand historical show, “Raconte-moi la France”, begins Saturday in Clermont-Ferrand with the support of the LR executive of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, which is regretted by the left opposition which denounces a policy “outmoded” cultural culture.

“The French are deeply in love with their History” and “our ambition is to tell 3,000 years of French History in two hours,” declared the creator and producer of the show Bruno Seillier at a press conference.

“The great chapters of French History”

This creation brings together 90 artists, with more than 3,000 costumes and accessories, in a “monumental” setting 30 meters wide and 14 meters high, on four stage stages: the premiere is planned at the zenith of Clermont-Ferrand at the foot of of the Gergovie plateau. 200 dates are then planned throughout France.


From Cro-magnon man to the Second World War, the show covers “the great chapters of French History” with “great characters like Vercingétorix, Charlemagne, Louis XIV, Napoleon”, underlined Sophie Rotkopf , vice-president of the region, in charge of culture, during this press conference.

The project, costing nine million euros, is 100% financed by private funds and reimbursed by entries, assured Bruno Seillier. The partnership with the Region “is truly a communication partnership,” declared Sophie Rotkopf.

505,279 euros allocated by the community

According to a document revealed by Rue 89, the community allocated 505,279 euros to the show via the purchase of advertising space. The Region, which confirmed this amount, also finances the purchase of places for high school students through the region pass.


The community “assumes its presence in all communications related to this show. It is exceptional that a show of such scale is launched in our region: it will shine a spotlight on the entire territory and in particular on Auvergne,” she told AFP.

In a press release, the environmentalist opposition denounced “the very scientifically questionable historical approach” of “Raconte-moi la France” and “the backward-looking orientation of regional cultural policy”. “Last year”, the Region “refused to help more than 130 cultural projects in rural areas. This year, she decides to heavily support a private show with questionable content,” she continues.

By Editor

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