Finale of the series “Yellowstone” without Kevin Costner: So long, Cowboy

After arguments and strikes, the finale of “Yellowstone” starts – without Kevin Costner. About a program that could have been used to tell who would win the US election.

The fact that the world has become a bizarre place in the streaming sector can be seen in three letters: AXN. What sounds like someone sneezing out their November cold is unfortunately the hundredth streaming service that you have to subscribe to in order to watch the finale of the “Yellowstone” series in Germany. Strictly speaking, the streamer’s full name is “AXN Black” and can be booked via Amazon or Magenta TV, for example. But the labyrinth of offers and subscriptions that you have to navigate every time you want to start a new series or just finish watching an old one is a topic in itself.

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