The sound of the harp to say stop all forms of violence against women. Monday 25 November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – at 11am, at the Arcipelago Library in Rome (with the patronage of Roma Capitale and in the presence of the Councilor for Culture Maya Vetri), tribute will be paid to Alda Merini with a concert of Essentia Aps harps and the Sinetempore Harp Attack Harp and Voice Ensemble, as part of the initiatives of the ‘Un’ Àncora Itinerant Project not to say Ancòra anymore, change accent to change perspective’. A tribute to the poet and an appeal through music to stem violence against women.
“The Other Truth. Diario di una Diversa” is the work by Alda Merini chosen for the musical narration which demonstrates how art can be salvific in suffering and allow us to find a balance. The harpists Giulia Bertinetti, Elisa Malatesti, Monica Molo and Sira Sebastianelli make up the Ensemble and since 2018 have been proposing a form of dissemination for a path of building consciences, so that violence against women, in all its forms, from the most subtle to the most bloody, be eliminated. “The search for new communication channels that go beyond words, which are often insufficient – explain the harpists – has led to the possibility of using music and, above all, the harp, to convey messages through emotions”.