Media|The magazine, published since 1945, is closing down due to the financial situation.
Teatterialan The board of Kustannusosakeyhtiö Teatteri, which publishes the professional magazine Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus, decided at its Monday meeting that the company will apply for bankruptcy proceedings, the company says in a press release.
Due to the financial situation, the magazine no longer has the conditions to operate, and the limited company’s publishing activities will end immediately.
According to the press release, the magazine’s financial situation has been affected by the general weakening of demand for print media and the drop in subscriber numbers. Advertising revenues were affected by the digital transition of the corona years and the weakened financial prospects of the cultural sector.
Teatteri magazine published continuously since 1945. Teatteri and Tanssi magazines merged into Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus magazine in 2012.
The October 5/24 issue of Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus magazine will be the last. He was the last editor-in-chief of the magazine Riina Maukola.
The main owners of the magazine have been organizations in the field of performing arts.
The financial responsibilities of Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus magazine will be transferred to the liquidation of the bankruptcy estate, the release states.
Correction on 11 December 2024 at 16:14. The last issue of Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus magazine will be 5/24, not 6/24.