“Missionary” by Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre: Little Rap Kamasutra

Snoop Dogg, Olympic mascot, liquor wholesaler, cooking show sidekick, part-time rap icon, has a new album. It’s very casual – and just a little old-fashioned.

The title is of course a joke. Maybe even a very polite one: “Missionary”. It’s not necessarily dangerous at first, but the whole thing is a framework. It is – you wouldn’t believe it because the two have worked together again and again – only the second complete album since 1993 that the hip-hop billionaire Dr. Dre produced for rapper Snoop Dogg. After his debut. “Doggystyle” was the name, which in itself was wonderfully captivating. All in all, this is the little rap kama sutra. Three career decades in two sexual positions.

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