The horizon is clearing but the fog remains. Thursday morning, Arcom confirmed the non-renewal of the C8 frequency, announced in July. Canal +, its parent company, not wishing to keep its channel alive outside of TNT, by reserving it for example only for its subscribers, number 8 should stop on February 28, on the eve of its 20th anniversary. Unless, as a gift, the Council of State, which the channel promised to seize, accepts its claim and annuls the Arcom decision.
Canal + management assures Le Parisien that TPMP will be back live on Monday January 6, after the Christmas break. C8 employees will go on vacation without knowing precisely what they will do from March 1st. “No one tells us anything,” assures one of the 18 employees of H2O, Cyril Hanouna’s production company. All day long, the facilitator tries to reassure his troops. In vain.