Japan, pop and a helium balloon: cultural recommendations from the SZ feature section

A huge illustrated book about life in Japan, the new album “Torso” by Soap&Skin, a novel about a helium balloon: the cultural recommendations of the week from the SZ feature section.

Illustrated book: “Hokusai” published by Taschen Verlag

Whoever opens this enormous illustrated book and begins to leaf through it will be irresistibly drawn into a world so different that not only can one not get enough of it, but one will also enthusiastically want to get lost in it. Certainly, it is past, around two hundred years old, but its creator knew how to design and depict it in such a lively, colorful and varied way – from the adventurous to the informative, from the erotically private to the representatively public, from interior views to dreamlike landscape views and and much more – that it practically forms the universe of Japanese life between 1760 and 1850.

By Editor

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