The Sephardic Museum of Toledo was the third most visited state museum in 2024 with more than 250,000 visitors

The National Archaeological Museum, the most visited with 627,334 visits, 23.36% more than in 2023

The 16 State Museums dependent on the Ministry of Culture, through the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts, have received visits from 3,121,418 people in 2024, which represents an increase of 10.53% compared to 2023. when 2,823,993 visits were obtained, and represents the best public attendance figure since 2000.

By museums, the most visited has once again been the National Archaeological Museum, with 627,334 visits, an increase of 23.36% compared to 2023 – when 506,873 visits were registered – and the best figure in 10 years since its reopening. It was only surpassed in 2014, when the Museum reopened its doors after a comprehensive renovation of the building and was visited by 768,836 people.

In terms of number of visitors, the second was the National Museum of Altamira, in Santillana del Mar (Cantabria), with 292,780 – 2.86% more -, followed by the Sephardic Museum in Toledo, with 259,211, a similar figure. to that of 2023 –252,231– which stabilizes the increase in visitors observed since 2022 –132,837–.

However, the largest percentage increase has fallen on the National Museum of Romanticism in Madrid, visited by 195,266 people, 70.18% more than in 2023 –114,739–.

Other museums that in 2024 have also surpassed the visitor statistics since the turn of the century are the National Museum of Decorative Arts in Madrid – 144,704, 29.54% more than in 2023 -; the National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts ‘González MartĂ­’ in Valencia –236,947 visitors; 8.39% more– and the Casa de Cervantes Museum in Valladolid –35,398 visitors; 51.63% more–.

Also notable are the increases in attendance, over 35%, at the ARQVA National Museum of Underwater Archeology, in Cartagena, with 101,557 people, at the CIPE Costume Museum, in Madrid, with 113,017, and at the National Museum of Sculpture, in Valladolid, with 170,736.

In addition, the National Museum of Anthropology, in Madrid, has received 86,959 people, 11.42% more than in 2023, very close to the pre-pandemic figure for 2019 –92,804–.

By Editor

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