Jonas Lüscher’s novel “Enchanted Previous”: The machines attack people

How did it come about that our happiness and our life hang on technology so often today? Jonas Lüscher tells about it in a novel with enormous language magic. And from the proximity to death of a Corona disease that has never become literature.

Sometimes the literature moves forward in reading, making a past, remote authorship. It is the new novel by the writer Jonas Lüscher, who was born in Switzerland in 1976 and lives in Munich. The book is called “Enchanted Prevention”, which does not want to match his enigmatic, awkward title. Because it is more about premonitions than any magical determinism, when it traces the life and writing of the German-Swedish painter and author Peter Weiss, who was born in Nowawes near Potsdam in 1916 and died in Stockholm in 1916 with a detective, sometimes hallucinatory energy. .

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