Two women are hidden behind a undergrowth of bushes, a fox with a raised tail struts in front of it. He seems to be the only constant in a painting whose forms literally explode.
The Turkish -born artist Alper Emeklier, who came to Berlin with his family in 1977 as a ten -year -old, takes a look at the red light milieu of Berliner Kurfürstenstrasse, where foxes that have already conquered the city terrain are happy to go for a walk.
East meets west
But the solo exhibition of the painter in the Gallery under the Mango Tree in Berlin-Schöneberg throws up puzzles, the exhibits are not easy to decipher.
Because EMEKLIER not only combines expressively figurative with abstract and stylized, but also eastern iconography with western art. He largely left Islamic art in his spiritual, sometimes lyrical-played painting, but impressions from the mosques of Istanbul are reflected: the gold base in its oil paintings is considered a symbol of paradise.
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In a work, an Arabic lettering floats over the canvas, in another colored bees float over a dark reason – according to a surgery of the Koran, they are considered a sign of the structure, and honey is granted to their honey.
Of the Europeans, EMEKLIER mainly have Matisse, Picasso and Francis Bacon, whose influence appears in the disturbing painting “The Table”. Here all sorts of animals swell out of the screaming mouth of the lonely gripping.
You could read this as a political allusion, but EMEKLIERS is more likely to take care of peace with his art, an art that connects wishful thinking, childhood memories and real observed in a striking way by laying the motifs on each other side and on top of each other.
In the jungle of the night
EMEKLIER’s longing for nature, which is increasingly threatened in the Berlin City, is also manifested in the work “The Green Garden”, which turns out to be a growing, colorful, bright plant jungle while “Tok Tok Tok” at two turtles under Artichoke flowers cheerfully copulate with each other.
Alper Emeklier was born in Turkey in 1967. In 1995 he graduated from Joachim Schmettau at the University of the Arts. Emeclier’s sculptures were shown, among other things, in the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn.
Prices up to 5600 euros
After a stay in Chicago, he has been devoting himself to painting in particular since 2007, a simpler and better way to express his ideas and feelings. EMEKLIER lives in the Berlin Tiergartenviertel. The prices of the exhibits are between 3200 and 5600 euros.
The Mini Kapur, who comes from India, understands her gallery under the Mango Tree, which she founded in Schöneberg in 2011, also as a place of international cultural exchange in the sign of migration, integration and identity finding. She regularly organizes readings, concerts and discussions.