Actresses Leonor Watling and Maribel Verdú have shown a certainty and mystery on Wednesday. The certainty is that they get along and that they will show off at the Goya gala that will present together on February 8. The mystery is that they have promised spectacular surprises, without revealing anything else.
Accompanied by the president of the Film Academy, Fernando Méndez Leite, and by The scriptwriters of the ceremony, Laura Márquez and Paloma Randothe presenters have appeared before the media to heat the engines of the act that will enshrine the most important movies and professionals of Spanish cinema during 2024.
The candidacies of this edition are of a lot of category, as the actresses have coincided, and more in a “fruitful” year, as Maribel Verdú stressed, since they have been made 335 films among which has valued those that treat “the right to decent death.”
“2024 has been a wonderful and varied year, so I invite everyone, to criticize the gala, Let all movies go and make as with football matches“Leonor Watling added.
Precisely about criticisms have spoken the two actresses, aware and convinced that there will be the next day. “You know what the Goya and that they fall everywhere this must be assumed. I will do it with all the love and all respect, so above all I am going to do is enjoy, “said Verdú.
Watling has deepened it: “As we are not talking about military landings or national budgets, this is an honor, a gift, and it seems very nice to be one of the people who will be taking care of the nominees and the nominated, who are Those who will really be nervous“.
Do not expect political acrimony despite the context that the world is going through, which is “to cry,” said Watling.
Humor and celebration in Granada
What will happen during the Goya Awards Gala, which this year will take place in Granada, have said little, not to say anything, unless there will be an emotional moment for one of the great ladies of the recent Spanish cinema recently: Marisa Paredes.
What will that moment be known, nor the identity of the musical groups or artists, one of the aspects for which the journalists have most asked. There will be “spectacular” actionsthe presenters have commented. Little else.
Watling, who has been nominated twice to the Goya (has not won any), has confessed that two years ago, in an interview, he said that You would like to work with Maribel Verdú. The desire has come true because both presenters are already working at the ceremony.
Verdú, two Goya to his credit for Seven French pool tables and by Snow White He explained what his chemistry consists of: “We know the bad things of life, so we are going to enjoy this. We like to have fun, the joke, and we want to use that sense of humor we have,” he stressed. Verdú, who recalled that 20 years ago he already presented the gala with Antonio Resines and Montserrat Caballé.
It will be the first time, in Granada, that two women guide the ceremony and that two women are their screenwriters. Watling has framed the novelty in normal: “When I read that this is exceptional, I hope something very crazy, As if they were, I don’t know, two micebut there are two actresses and two scriptwriters, it is not something so out of the ordinary. “