Emmanuel Macron confirmed Tuesday that a special pricing will be applied “from January 1, 2026” whose revenues will contribute to the financing of the works.
Where to find the hundreds of millions necessary for the renovation and extension of the Louvre wanted by Emmanuel Macron? According to estimates, the necessary sums oscillate between 700 and 900 million euros and at the Élysée, we promise that only one « very minority share » will be funded by the State.
Among the possible sources of financing, one is already acted: the increase in the entry rate for extra-European tourists. The idea was defended by the president of the Louvre Laurence des Cars several months ago, and endorsed by Rachida Dati. It is now confirmed by Emmanuel Macron, who said, from the Louvre on Tuesday, that this differentiated rate will be put in place the ” 1is January 2026 ». We do not yet know the amount (30 euros?), But the Louvre estimates that the measure will bring at least tens of millions of euros.
At the beginning of 2024, the museum has already increased its general entry price by 30 % (from 17 to 22 euros). Putting the Americans, the Chinese or the Brazilians to pay more would be an additional step. Today, 68 % of the 8.6 million visitors from the Louvre are foreign, including 11 % of Americans, 6.4 % of Italians and 2.3 % Chinese.
A first in France
Few large museums or sites in the world already practice differentiated pricing. In 2019, the New York MET put an end to its “Suggested admission price”, for the benefit of an entry at $ 30. He still kept the pay-as-you-wish For residents of New York State as well as for students in Connecticut and New Jersey. The city’s national museum of natural history has done the same, with an entry to $ 28. In the two museums, this change did not play on the level of international tourist attendance, which is less than in the Louvre, it is true.
Some legendary heritage sites can also offer differentiated treatment between premises and others, this time in order to limit mass tourism. People of Khmer origin thus enter for free in Angkor Vat, Cambodia, while a foreigner must settle 37 dollars. The prices for visiting Machu Picchu are $ 152 for international tourists, compared to $ 64 for Peruvians or residents of the Andean community. In Beijing, the Chinese can enter the forbidden city for free, foreigners having to settle the equivalent of 10 euros.
In France, it will be a first. Mont-Saint-Michel, the Sainte-Chapelle or the Arc de Triomphe, three flagship national monuments attracting international tourists, could also follow. Difficult to know if these possible targeted increases will put off extra-European tourists. But the big museums know of experience, that in general, the more the tourist comes from afar, the less he renounces for questions of money.