Michele Ruol with the debut novel “Inventory of what remains after the forest burns” (Terrarossa Edizioni) the winner of the first edition of the Venetarium Labomar prize. Awarded today in Treviso, during a ceremony at Palazzo Giacomelli – Space Confindustria Veneto Est, during the third edition of Venetarium, the annual meeting dedicated to the Venetian literature promoted by the Amici di Comisso Association and coordinated by Alessandro Cinquegrani and Gianluigi Bodi. The prize provides for a contribution of 3,000 euros for the translation and publication of the work in a foreign country.
Michele Ruol, 1986, lives in Padua and is anesthesiologist doctor. He writes for the theater and has published stories in different anthologies and literary magazines. With the debut novel “Inventory of what remains after the forest burns” published in 2024 he won Giuseppe Berto and the Megamark Foundation Prize and entered the jury selection of the literati of the Campiello Prize, and was the book of the month Fahrenheit Rairadio3 and finalist at the Mastercard Esordienti Prize.
The jury made up of literary teachers and critics, writers, cultural journalists and booksellers has evaluated a total of 33 works and also reported “a revolt” by Enrico Prediclo (night), “The abandonment” of Valentina Durante (the ship of Teseo) e “The well is worth more than the time” of Geneva Lamberti (Marsilio).
The Venetarium Award is supported by Labomar Spa, a Treviso company leader in the nutraceutical sector and sensitive to the culture of its territory in the key also of social responsibility and sustainability, which collects the witness of a tradition of cultural patronism promoted by the Venetian companies, for example in Literary prizes such as Campiello and Marzotto as well as in the same Comisso Prize supported by an active group of ‘friendly companies’ of the area.
“The Prize – explains Ennio Bianco, president of the Amici di Comisso Association – aims to report the literary production of this territory annually, which has always expressed authors and works that have participated in Italian and European culture with a recognized quality and specific specificity In the years from historians and scholars of literature. For this initiative, I thank Labomar very much, with its founder and to Walter Bertin, for having immediately accepted our proposal which has the primary objective of supporting the international projection of the best of contemporary Venetian narrative “.
“For Labomar – declares the president and to Walter Bertin – to promote the culture of beauty and beauty, support cultural and social initiatives, and enhance our territory are essential principles. It is precisely for this reason that we have chosen to assign for the first time the Venetarium Labomar prize, convinced that culture is a distinctive value of our territory, a treasure that deserves to be fed and above all shared, pushing us beyond our borders. worlds, telling stories and giving voice to ideas that enrich culture.
Venetarium is the annual appointment that takes stock of the contemporary Venetian literature promoted by the Amici di Comisso Association of Treviso in collaboration with the Treviso Belluno Dolomiti Chamber of Commerce, the CMB Foundation, Confindustria Veneto Est and Nest Interconnected Nord East Innovation Ecosystem and with The patronage of the Municipality of Treviso and the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice with its department of humanities.