Italian beaten to blood from the Canaries, it is dying

Pounded and thirty -year -old from Favignana, Salvatore Sinagra, struggle for life in the Canary Islands, in a hospital room in Las Palmas. To tell his story to the newspaper La Stampa is the father, Andrea Sinagra, who in these hours is on the spot, who came as soon as he learned of what happened to his son.

Salvatore would have been attacked outside a bar in Lanzarote, without a real reason if not one previous “discussion” in the restaurant had with another person. “My son is in a coma with the cranium split because he crossed the wrong person. Nobody knows who he is. The Spanish police tell me that he is investigating but so far there are no developments,” Andrea Sinagra told the Turin newspaper, who leads to Favignana a tourist activity.


Salvatore was operated in the head; The father turned to the Italian consulate. The community of Favignana shakes around the family, well known on the island. “What happened is a very serious fact. We are close to Salvatore and his family – said the mayor, Francesco Forgione – in this difficult moment. We ask that all the institutions in charge are activated to shed light on the incident and identify the managers” . In a post on Facebook the Municipality puts the photo of the young man, accompanied by an exhortation: “Forza Salvatore!”.

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