Sundays are returned to free admission. Which museums to see in Rome

Entrance free for all Domenic February 2, First Sunday of the month, in the sites of the Museums system of Roma Capitale and in some archaeological areas of the city.

Will be open with free admission il Celio Archaeological Park (7-17.30), with theMuseum of the Form Urbis,10:00 – 16:00 with last entry at 15:00 (Viale inputs of the Celio 20/22 park – Clivo di Scauro 4); theSacred area of ​​Largo Argentina(via di San Nicola de ‘Cesarini in front of number 10, 9:30 – 16:00, last entrance at 3 pm), the archaeological area ofCircus Maximus (9:30 am – 16:00, last entry 3pm),Villa of Maxentius(via Appia Antica 153, from 10 to 16, last entry one hour before closing), and iImperial holes(entrance from the Traiana column at 9:00 – 16:30, the last entrance an hour before closing).


These are the civic museums open with free admission for the occasion: Capitoline museums; Markets of Trajan – Museum of the Imperial Forums; Museum of the Ara Pacis; Montemartini central; Museum of Rome; Museum of Rome in Trastevere; Modern art gallery; Museums of Villa Torlonia (Casina delle Civette, Casino Nobile, Serra Moresca); Civic museum of zoology.


The initiative is promoted by Roma Capitale, the Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage. Free admission compatibly with the capacity of the sites. Reservations required only for groups at the contact center in Roma Capitale 060608 (9-19).


Free admission Both permanent collections and temporary exhibitionsstarting from the Capitoline Museums (Piazza del Campidoglio 1) where you can admire, in the earthly rooms of the Palazzo dei Conservati, Titian, Lotto, Crivelli and Guercino. Masterpieces of the Pinacoteca di Ancona, a selection of large works from the Civic Pinacoteca ‘Francesco Podesti’ of Ancona. Six prestigious canvases protagonists of an exhibition itinerary that tells the importance of the Pinacoteca collection. In the hall of the tapestries of the Palazzo dei Conservati, Agrippa Iulius Caesar, the repudiated heir. A new portrait of Agrippa Postumo, adopted son of Augustus, three portraits of Agrippa Postumo, one belonging to the collections of the Capitoline Museums, another coming from the Uffizi and the third of the Sorgente Group Foundation, in which, only recently, he recognized himself Unfortunate heir of Augustus.


In the rooms of Palazzo Clementino, free admission includes a visit to the colors of the ancient. Santarelli marbles at the Capitoline Museums, a large panoramic on the use of colored marbles, from the origins up to the twentieth century, through a refined selection of pieces from the Santarelli Foundation.


Finally, the first Sunday of the month can be an opportunity to admire, in the garden of Villa Caffarelli, the imposing reconstruction in real dimensions of theColossus of Constantine, a statue about 13 meters high made through innovative techniques, Starting from the original pieces of the 4th century AD preserved in the Capitoline Museums. (

At the Museum of Rome in Trastevere (Piazza S. Egidio 1/B) it will be possible to visit the new exhibition The poet’s tree. The oak of the rate to the Janiculum. Through documents, photographs, graphics, paintings and testimonies, many of which exhibited for the first time, the visitor will be able to rediscover the importance of this place dear to Torquato Tasso, and his indissoluble bond with the city of Rome.


On the ground floor the exhibitionRome kilometerzer, A research photographic work in which 15 Roman photographers document the complexity, changes and particularities of the city. Finally, in the room of the piano on the first floor, witnesses of a war continues – graphic memory of the Mexican revolution, 40 photographs from the prestigious Casasola Archive, which travel the fundamental stages of the Mexican revolution, a period in which figures have arisen that marked the history Mexican. (


At the museums of Villa Torlonia (via Nomentana 70) in the rooms of the Casino dei Principi Titina Maselli on the centenary of the birth, a large retrospective vision of the work of an artist who has crossed with great autonomy and visual freedom many pictorial currents, without ever adhere to one in particular.

At theCasina delle CivetteNiki Berlinguer can be admired. The lady of the tapestries, a complete overview of the production of tapestries made by the eminent weaver and artist, a pioneer in translating painting into textile narratives (


In the spaces of the Gallery of Modern Art (via Francesco Crispi 24), the aesthetic exhibition of the deformation. The protagonists of Italian expressionism, a selection of the works of the Iannaccone collection of Milan relating to the expressionist line of Italian art between the 1930s and 1950s – from the Roman school to the current group. Sunday 2 February will also be the last chance to admire à Jour. Laura Vdb Facchini, a site-specific project in dialogue with the late monumental complex that today houses the museum, inspired by the embroidery à Jour, as a tribute to the nuns who for centuries have inhabited this place. In the rooms on the second floor the success of the exhibition “Poetry looks at you” continues. Tribute to Group 70 (1963-2023), a selection of works by one of the most interesting artistic partnerships that arose in the context of the neo-avant-garde and Italian verbovisual research. It will be Furthermore, it is still possible to admire the dance student of Venanzo Crocetti. .Galleria


Museums always free

Also open to the public also the museums usually with free admission, namely: Giovanni Barracco ancient sculpture museum; Carlo Bilotti Museum – Aranciera di Villa Borghese; Pietro Canonica Museum in Villa Borghese; Napoleonic Museum; Museum of the Roman Republic and Garibaldin memory; Casal de ‘Pazzi museum; Museum of the walls; Villa of Maxentius.


At the Carlo Bilotti Museum, Aranciera di Villa Borghese (via Fiorello La Guardia 6 – Viale dell’Aranciera 4) the exhibition Sandro Visca – Fraturae, a unique opportunity to explore the production of the Abruzzo artist with particular attention to his continuous dialogue between the matter and its fit. (


Al Napoleonic Museum (Piazza di Ponte Umberto i 1) You can admire Carolina and Ferdinando. And not always following the after the first, sculptures, engravings, multimedia installations by Gianluca Esposito who artistically explore the relationships between Maria Carolina of Habsburg Lorena, her husband Ferdinand IV of Bourbon and the Kingdom of Naples. (


Museums that do not adhere to the initiative

Are the exception to free (entry to ordinary tariff, with a reduced rate for the owners of the Mic Card):


  • Franco Fontana. Retrospective at the Ara Pacis Museum (Lungotevere in Augusta corner via Tomacelli), the first large retrospective exhibition dedicated to the entire artistic career of the Modena photographer, with works selected by his vast archive. (
  • Rome painter. The artists in Rome between the 16th and 19th centuries at the Museum of Rome (Piazza San Pantaleo, 10 and Piazza Navona, 2), which focuses on the women who worked in Rome from the 16th century, with a path that reached until 1800 and the new methods of progressive access to the training that slowly impose themselves in accordance with the European panorama. The protagonists are the artists present in the Capitoline collections, such as Caterina Ginnasi, Maria Felice Tibaldi Subleyras, Angelika Kaufmann, Laura Piranesi, Marianna Candidi Dionigi, Louise Seidler and Emma Gaggiotti Richards, as well as a significant selection of other important artists active in cities such as Lavinia Fontana, Artemisia Gentileschi, Maddalena Corvina, Giovanna Garzoni, and many others. (
  • Anti -aircraft and bunker refuge of Villa Torlonia(Casino Nobile, via Nomentana 70) with a new exhibition path that documents the life of Mussolini and the family in the villa and, through an immersive multimedia experience, allows you to relive the dramatic moments of air raids during the Second World War. Reservations required for individuals and groups. (

· Circus Maximo Experience, it offers the immersive visit of the Maximus Circus actually augmented and virtual reality, from 9:30 to 16:00 (every 15 min. – Last entrance at 14:50). Reduced rate entrance for owners of the Mic Card. (

· The planetary shows (



All information and updates are available on and on the social channels of the museum system of Roma Capitale and of the Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage. Museum services by Zètema Project Culture.


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