Erika Vikman won the new music competition

The new music competition was held in Tampere at Nokia Arena.

Erika Vikman won the new music competition (UMK) with their song I come.

The performance received 430 votes when the judge and public votes were added together. Vikman received 362 audience sounds and 68 points from international juries.

UMK was held in Nokia Arena in Tampere. Vikman was a pre -favorite.

There were six competitors in the competition. In addition to Vikman, they participated in the competition Costee, Neea river, Goldielocks, Viivi and Nelli Matula.

After the international jury points, the race was led by Goldielocks with 74 points.

Seventh competitor One Morning Left were excluded For the rule of violation, only a few weeks before the finals.

The winner of the competition represents Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest. The Eurovision Song Contest will be held in Switzerland on 17 May.

By Editor

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