A story of adventures and mythological beings of a student from Almería, XX Jordi Sierra I Fabra Award for young people

The young Almeria writer Helena Moreno Padilla16, has won the XX Jordi Sierra I Fabra Award for young people with his novel ‘Beyond the wall’an adventure story in a universe populated by mythological beings.

Helena is a student high school student at the Art School of Almería and has written two novels and several stories. The book he has won began to write at the end of the summer of 2023 and finished it in November of the same year.

Your novel, ‘Beyond the wall’stars Sunny, an elf who lives in a walled city. One day, this wall suffers an attack and They steal the guardian’s sword of the city. Sunny and a Herrero friend try to recover her, living numerous adventures in a universe populated by mythological beings.

The first Finalist of this edition has been the novel ‘What we told ourselves in silence’, by Júlia Córcoles Cañasfrom Murcia, who opted for the third time to the award. His novel is about a deaf small rebel who lives in an orphanage, in 1955, without anyone paying attention until one day they hire a new educator who will help him integrate.

The second finalist, Marcos Carrizo Pérez, from Zaragoza, presented himself to the award for the second time, with his novel ‘Memories of an empire of promises’, set in the times of ancient Rome, where a Cantabrian boy who gets ready in Praetorians To avenge his father’s death.

Ha also The Madrid Rosa María Berrocalthat marks a milestone in the history of the prize, because He has presented five times and in all of them he has been a finalist. In addition, the case of Paula Álvarez, born in April 2010, the youngest of the finalists.

Jordi Sierra I Fabra has congratulated all participants and has affirmed that “writing is an endless marathon, each book is always the first, and learning toll is hard, although it usually comforts.” “The effort, sacrifice, trust and perseverance beyond the results is the key to becoming a writer“He stressed.

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