It comes ‘Reading to grow’, the first course that puts the teachers in the classroom to help them face the addiction problems caused to teenagers by the abuse of smartphones. Promoted by the Center for the Book and Reading of the Ministry of Culture and created by the Carta, Penna & Digital Observatory of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, It will be presented on Monday 17 February, at the Nassiriya del Senate room, in Rome, on the occasion of the opening of the ‘Libriamoci’ eventwhich the Center organizes every year in collaboration with the Ministry for Education and Merit and which will be held in the entire week from 17 to 22 February. At the meeting they will speak Luciano Lannadirector of the Center for the Book and Reading of the Ministry of Culture, Andrea Canginidirector of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation, specialists Pierluigi curlneurologist and Andrea di Sommaexpert in learning disorders, of the school manager Anna Maria Lamberti, with the introduction of the senator Lavinia Mennuni which coordinates the intergroup in defense of handwriting and reading on paper, which part of all the political sides are part of, in a meeting coordinated by the journalist Enrico Sbandicreator and tutor of the course. In addition, the meeting will see the presence of Agostino Ghigliamember of the Authority of the Protection of Personal Data, which will make his contribution as a professor and author of the book Education Digital.
The use of smartphones affects over 25% of teenagers
The problematic use of the smartphone affects over 25% of teenagers, with negative effects on sleep, concentration, relationships, learning skills. It is the first of the emergencies highlighted in the decalogue of well -being and health of the Higher Institute of Health for 2025. The ‘brain rot’cerebral deterioration deriving from excess exposure to digital content, not surprisingly, the word of the year ‘2024 was elected by the Oxford University Press. The course ‘Reading to grow: a book against brain deterioration. The solutions of the school to the ‘brain-rot’ of the digital era ‘ It aims to provide concrete teaching solutions to problems in learning processes caused by excessive use of digital devices especially in the evolutionary age.
The choice to present it at the opening of Libriamoci, the event promoted by the Ministry of Culture through the center for the book and reading and by the Ministry of Education and merit (MIM) – Directorate for the Student, Inclusion and L ‘school orientation. In this eleventh edition, the connection between the care of attention and reading in the students to whom the course and the theme of Libriamoci “Intelleg (G) or”, declined in three strands: Intelleg (G) or is particularly narrow in this eleventh edition. … So they are, Intelleg (G) or … therefore I feel and intellect (G) or … so I do.