“I have to get out of it, otherwise I will die”: in “Special Envoy”, the shock testimony of Andy Kerbrat on drugs

His name had made the headlines in the fall after his arrest. Loire-Atlantique LFI deputy Andy Kerbrat testifies for the first time in his drug use during a report broadcast in “Special Envoy”, this Thursday, February 13 at 9:05 pm on France 2. The elected insoumis returns in particular On the gear that led him to dive into narcotics.

The teams of the two magazine met him before the end of year celebrations, while he was waiting for a place in a hospital to follow care on the sidelines of his weaning. He first returned to the stop caused by his arrest: “It was like a car accident, a crash. I had a life at 2,000 an hour and all of a sudden, it stops, “he says when the cameras follow him during a bike outing.

“The impression of having spoiled my life”

“I spoiled the confidence that others had placed in me and I feel like I was spoiled. So, I have the impression of having spoiled the interior and outside of myself, ”admits the 34-year-old man without concession, in work stoppages.


The parliamentarian delivers a strong testimony to his dependence: “As soon as I was finished (his work of deputy)I wanted to sniff. Afterwards, there was the injection. I still fell until slam », Namely the use of drugs in the context of his sexuality. He consumed 3-MMC, a cheaper synthetic drug of cocaine and particularly powerful.

Like thousands of other consumers, the MP was delivered the drugs on the upper order via his phone. ” Of course ! Everyone does that, ”he insists. Without looking for excuses, he returns to the reasons which led him to take this type of illicit products: “One of the questions, that is why I had so easily access to drugs?” I can get out of great theoretical speeches (…), I’m a simple simple story. That of a guy who underwent the death of his mother, who did not know how to manage him and who went to seek a substitute when he was a deputy ”.

He describes himself as “unhappy” at the time of his situation. “So the next week, I started again because I was bad,” he summarizes. “At the moment, we grow back, that’s the problem. At the exit, we say: Never again. Until the next week. Although they are aware of the harmfulness for society and for himself of his behavior, his discomfort pushed him to resume his consumption.

“My fight is to get out of it, but it will take me my life”

This “gear” stops dry in October, when arrested in a metro station in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, while he is buying his dose from a delivery man barely 14 years. He immediately recognizes the facts. Like Icarus, “I went up too high, I burned”, synthesizes the one who is always a deputy.


“My fight is to get out of it, but it will take my life for me. The deputy then confides in being “son of a heroinomaniac”, and knowing the difficulty for consumers to get out of addiction. “I know what it is, more than others. This is also why I want to get out of it. I know how hot it is. When you are a heroinomanian child, you have no parents. »»

“I know I have to get out of it, otherwise I will die,” he concludes. Since this report, the 30 -year -old has emerged from six weeks of hospitalization. He explains that he “started to dream, something that had disappeared with the product”.

Élise Lucet’s intervention in the Assembly which is debated

The case of Andy Kerbrat is emblematic of the fact that drug use affects all environments, without exception. Faced with the government’s desire to sanction consumers, the journalist Élise Lucet took the initiative to go and offer deputies of salivary drug tests in the corridors of the National Assembly. If some have consented, others moved from this process.

For President Yaël Braun-Pivet, with this video, Élise Lucet devoted the rules of the place. The accredited journalists “cannot have the exclusive or main object of filming a person who does not have the quality of deputy or minister in the spaces open to the press, moreover with accessories suggesting a staging,” she writes .

In the regulation of the National Assembly, it is indeed registered that “only deputies and ministers in office can be interviewed and that the shots cannot have the exclusive or main object of photographing or filming other people present in These spaces. »»


The president of the National Assembly adds that it “is not of use that the reports produced (in the National Assembly) May appear as having been the subject of a script “but also that proposing a salivary test to the deputies is” questionable, the legitimate refusal to submit to it which can create a suspicion towards them “.

By Editor

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