Movie|The Chinese audience raises its own country animated film above the Hollywood hits.
Centuries Based on an old story, Chinese animation film has become a huge success in its home country.
At the end of January its premiere Ne zha 2 may soon be the most spectators of all time in China, says Hong Kong Free Press. It has collected in a short time over 1.6 billion In the US dollar, box office revenue, which also makes it the most successful movie in the one country market. Until now, the record has been held in 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakensraised $ 936 million in box office revenue in the United States.
Jiao guided Ne Zha 2: N Success has been explained by the traditional story of Chinese viewers and, on the other hand, a national conscience related to Chinese technology.
The animated film is made entirely by Chinese forces, and viewers have praised the outcome at least as good as the output of Hollywood animation studios.
Movie tells about a young rebellious god of God who fights against dragons. Ne zhan The first part premiered in 2019.
The stories of the movies are based on a classic written in the 16th century Fengshen yanyiwhich has been made in recent decades several movie adaptations.
Ne Zha 2: SSA There have been connections to the current world political situation and the Palace of the story has been regarded as a reference to a white house or Pentagon. The filmmakers have not commented on these interpretations.
Ne zha 2 Last weekend also premiered in the United States, where it was the fifth most watched movie of the weekend.
Film industry has grown strongly in China, and visits to the movies increased its popularity over the last decade, with more than 1.7 billion movie tickets in China in 2019. The running figures collapsed during the corona and the popularity has only partially recovered.
Now, going to the movies is again picking up, as the Chinese New Year in January was almost sold for movie tickets one -fifth more than a year earlier during the same holiday season.
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