Stéphane Plaza has not finished crying. It was in tears, a knee on the ground, that the star of M 6 listened this Tuesday afternoon the president of the Criminal Court of Paris to sentence him to 12 months’ suspended imprisonment for domestic violence against his former Amandine companion, With whom he was in a relationship between 2017 and 2022. He must also pay him 11,000 euros in damages.
During an endless day of trial, on January 9, the most famous real estate agents admitted having broken the annular of his partner but denied any intentional violence, explaining to suffer from “dyspraxia”, making him incapable of controlling his force . Stéphane Plaza was also released accusations of psychological violence against Paola, another partner who had filed a complaint against him. Shocked to see the “judicial machine getting carried away” against a man whose “kindness characterizes life”, his lawyers announced to appeal.
Crisis meeting
M 6 chose not to wait for this second trial which should not take place before 2026. Reunit in crisis meeting as soon as the conviction was announced, the management of the chain decided to let go of its apartment hunter. “Group M 6 takes note of the court decision pronounced today against Stéphane Plaza (…) as well as the intention of his lawyers to appeal. Pending any legal consequences, the M 6 group has decided, as of this day, the deprogramming of the programs in which the host was present. Stéphane Plaza was informed of this decision, “they wrote in a statement sent to the early evening to AFP.
A 360 degree reversal since since the publication by Mediapart, in September 2023, testimonies of three of his ex-partner who told verbal and physical violence ‚The six had given him public support. The two internal surveys launched within the chain and Mediawan (owner of Tank Prod, which produces his programs) had not concluded that any skid with his professional entourage.
Discreetly and gradually “disconnected”
But, behind the scenes, the leaders discreetly discreetly disconnected their host, who has ceased to shoot new programs. Only two “apartment or house search” numbers sleep in the drawers, awaiting broadcasting. His prime time appearances have grown up: only one has been found since last September. As for the weekend rerun tunnels, they have also been reduced in recent months. The Salves of “apartment hunter” on Saturday did not return after the last holiday season. Instead, the chain has been offering old numbers of “the best bakery in France” or “nightmare in the kitchen” since January.
M 6 has also just decided to make Stéphane Plaza disappear from its Sunday programming. From March 9, finished in the afternoons in front of “house for sale”. Now the Six will offer a succession of “one day, a doc”, as indicated by the program grids deposited Tuesday afternoon by the channel.
A little more than a year after the release of the case, which has permanently sliced the image of the former favorite animator of the French (according to the classification of “TV Magazine” where Plaza now only occupies 17th place ), M 6 chose the gentle method. Less radical than immediate layoff as that decided by NRJ after complaints for rapes filed against Cauet, but more offensive than those of CNews, which leaves Jean-Marc Morandini to the antenna despite his recent condemnation on appeal for corruption of minors .
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