How the SACEM will take 800,000 euros for the music broadcast to the burials

The funeral federations concluded an agreement with the SACEM on a royalty on the titles broadcast during ceremonies. This new war treasure for SACEM represents between 700,000 and 800,000 euros per year.

Organizing the funeral of a loved one will cost an average of 5 euros more for funeral directors. According to companies, these 5 euros will be invoiced only to families using music or smoothed over all customers which amounts to around 1 euro per family. In this case, as the site revealed Informed, Even those whose worship does not provide music during the funeral will pay the tithe.

The funeral directors thus join the karaokes, the hotels, the hairdressing salons, the stadiums and all the places receiving from the public. “Music occupies an increasingly important place in meditation, explains a spokesperson for the National Federation of the Funeral. It allows you to express emotions and personalize the tribute to the deceased by reflecting your preferences. »»

Since you are leaving, number one of the titles broadcast during a burial

The funeral pumps will donate this tithe to the SACEM which after a restraint for management, will redistribute it to its members. The annual sum to be shared between rights holders will oscillate between 700,000 and 800,000 euros. Half of the rights of a song go to publishers, the other half is shared equally between authors and composers. Interpreter artists will receive a microphone of 800,000 euros here. Orchestras that take up classic works will not perceive anything because Mozart, Bach and Beethoven have long been in the public domain.


One in four ceremony is subject to music subject to fees. It is this 25 % package that was retained in the calculation

The fnf

In 2024, France Bleu identified with the cooperative “The funeral choice”, the ten most played titles. Since you leave of Jean-Jacques Goldman is in the lead followed by White paradise by Michel Berger, Old man by Daniel Guichard, Vole by Céline Dion, Song for a burial de Grégoire, If I had known by Claudio Capéo, The mountain by Jean Ferrat, Ave Maria De Charles Gounod, Mama’s eyes from Kendji Girac and Another evening by Céline Dion.

After more than a year of discussions that ended in court, the SACEM and the funeral federations have deemed more intelligent to get along. In hotels, the calculation of calculation is based on the number of rooms and stars. For funeral ceremonies, this will be the number of convoy. Out of 660,000 deaths declared per year, “One in four ceremony is the subject of music subject to fees of rights. It is this 25 % package that was retained in the calculation »explains the FNF.

Discardy rights holders

For the time being, there is no precise statement of the songs broadcast. The distribution is imperfect because in the field of so -called sound music, it is done by analogy. “We look at musical consumption each quarter, the titles broadcast on the radio, television, in concerts and album sales”, explains Stéphane Vasseur Regional Network Director of SACEM. The subject annoyed the beneficiaries. And for good reason. In 2025, almost all of the titles before the 1980s were no longer broadcast on television and radio including on nostalgia and MFM.

Conversely, they are listened to on YouTube and on streaming platforms but these digital data do not yet enter into the calculation of the SACEM. “And of the pumps funeral We send of the surveys of playlistes, We identifierons THE lukewarm right et this somme sera added has their package. More Ce supplement East marginal», specifies Stéphane Vasseur. “Declaring everything precisely is impossible, we are often in an emergency, with changes by families at the last minute sometimes”tempers a spokesperson for the French federation of funeral pumps.

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