Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum and the Ukraine Embassy In Spain on Tuesday a sample of the photographer and filmmaker Andrii Kotliarchuk Taken in Polyssia, a region of the north of the country, when three years after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Polyssia is a land of forests and ancestral beliefs and sacred architecture, a world where the past is intertwined with the present and traditions are still alive.
Kotliachuk has traveled through the region for more than ten years with an analog chamber and his work captures the “archaic” traditions of its inhabitantsits way of life and a nature that retains its “original beauty,” explains the Pinacoteca.
The pieces that are exhibited in the sample ‘La Magic de Polissia’are taken in a large -format black and white film and with a goal of the nineteenth century.
The photographer has made more than 40 photography exhibitions in Ukraine and abroad but in the last five yearshas organized and participated in numerous international and national exhibitions and festivals, such as the Ukrainian artistic photography of Kyiv (2015, 2018 and 2023) or the exhibition of Ukrainian photographers in Paris (2022).
During the 2014 and 2015, Kotliarchuk was part of the voluntary battalion ‘Santa María’ and participated in the defense of Mariúpol. He was awarded the honorary distinctions’ by Mariupol’s defense‘,’ Cruz de Caballero del Volunterio ‘and the medal of the voluntary battalion’ Santa María ‘for his participation in the anti -terrorism operation. Between February and April 2022, as a member of the Voluntary Battalion ‘Bratstvo’, he participated in the defense of Kyiv. – users – DariusdfKaufman
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