The National Library of Spain (BNE) has incorporated into its collections 82,628 copies received by donation in 202431% more than in 2023, for a value of 461,275 euros, according to estimates of the BNE technicians.
The institution has announced on Wednesday the donations it has received in the last year. The number of donations processed has been 414, with a total of 432 donors. The origin of donations is distributed in 44 of Spanish public bodies, 166 of foreign donors and 222 of Spanish donors or domiciled in Spain.
Among the donated material stand out for its volume 43,611 photographs and 10,229 magazine numbers, as well as 2,418 drawings and engravings and 1,064 audiovisual pieces. 2,071 slate and vinyl and 1,341 scores (669 handwritten and 672 printed parties) have also been donated.
As for books, 2,335 modern books, 33 old and 21 in electronic support have been accepted. In addition, 3 manuscripts prior to 1830 and 178 were incorporated. Personal archives contributed 2,384 documents and 5,148 letters. To this inventory we must add another 10,980 minor documents.
All donations and their valuations have been presented to the Board of Qualification, Valuation and Export of Goods of the Spanish Historical Heritage and approved by the Royal Board of Trustees of the National Library of Spain.
Personal files
Personal archives are a valuable documentary and patrimonial sourceaccording to the BNE. Its incorporation into the funds of the institution guarantees its preservation and its disposition of researchers, users and media for their knowledge, study and dissemination.
When to the manuscripts, the BNE has received 105 modern manuscripts from the poet file José Hierroas well as more than 1,100 several and 98 cards. Likewise, the personal archive of Gonzalo Torrente Malvido (1935-2011), writer, translator and cinematographic screenwriter and son of Gonzalo Torrente Ballester has been received.
In this regard, the institution now has part of the poet’s personal archive and writer Luis Feria Hardisson (1927-1998); Collection of Documents of the Factory Columbia Graphophone Company SAE of San Sebastián (First Spanish Pizarra Disc Factory); Handwritten with the ijtiyarat or anthologies of Badi’i (Pharmacopoeia work in Farsi or Persa) by Ali Ibn Hussein Zayn al-Din Attar Ansari Shirazí (c.1329-1403), Persian doctor of the fourteenth century.
In relation to sound and musical material, the BNE has the personal archive of María Luisa stained towers (Madrid, 1956), composer, pianist and professor and National Music Award in 2024 in the modality of composition for its opera ‘La Regenta’; The personal archive of the composer Mª Antonia Escribano Sánchez (1954-2002); The personal file of Antonio Jiménez Manjón (1866-1919), Spanish guitarist; and the collection of 64 handwritten scores of the nineteenth and early twentieth century and 515 printed scores edited between 1843 and 1961.
Finally, in terms of graphic and photographic material, the graphic work collection of Julio Cebrián Villagómez (1929-2016); The collection of 994 photographs of the painter, photographer, archaeologist and professor Pedro Román Martínez (1878-1948); And more than 450 drawings, more than 100 engravings and 10 artist books, among others, of the family personal archive Great-Aguirre.
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