Thilo Mischke reacts to allegations for the first time – and divides

The reporter and author Thilo Mischke was planned as the new moderator of the ARD cultural magazine “TTT title, theses, temperaments”, but after all, the broadcasting station did not sign him. Previously, Mischke had been accused of sexism and racism, whereby his book “in 80 women around the world” was particularly in focus. Eight weeks after an open letter from over 100 cultural workers, the 43-year-old first publicly commented on the cause.

I took time to deal with the criticism in a well -founded manner. That was hardly possible in the so -called outrage and the multitude of allegations, ”says Mischke in a detailed interview with“Currently“When asked why he has been released to a reaction for so long.

Mischke for the debate about his book

In the controversial book from 2010, the figure with the name “Thilo Mischke” bets that he will sleep on a trip around the world with 80 women. “”The sex scenes are all invented“, Says Mischke in an interview. “I should have made it clear much earlier. Of course, my experience has been incorporated, but also experiences of friends, film scenes. It’s literature. “

In the interview, Mischke also defends itself against the accusation of glorifying sexual violence. “”The book describes an ass violence with a low self -confidence who tries to increase their self -confidence through the devaluation of women. This shows me today that you have to be careful which language you use and how you tell. ” He finds the book “terrible”.

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In the interview, Mischke also speaks about the separation of the work and author. “The protagonist and his ideas are sexist and racist. The conclusion is that I am as an author too. I think that’s right that you will discuss it. The criticism of me was sometimes improperly and defamed, sometimes she was totally justified. ”

He would have liked to take part in the discussion about him, Mischke claims. “This debate, whether I can moderate a cultural broadcast, was guided without me. That tore my legs away. ” Take responsibility for this “Also the journalists who have spread all of this without questioning it.

Incidentally, I noticed during the shit storm that ProSieben has much higher journalistic standards than the ARD.

Thilo Mischke

Mixe to deal with the ARD with him

According to Mischke’s calling as a “TTT” moderator, his general suitability had also been questioned to moderate a cultural broadcast. Previously, he had made reports at the private broadcaster ProSieben. In an interview, Mischke speaks of an arrogant attitude of his critics. It evidence “that culture often excludes people.”

And further: “Incidentally, I noticed in the time of the shit storm that ProSieben has much higher journalistic standards than the ARD. Most people who have to do with ProSieben with me have dealt with my work much more. ”

He previously opened the controversial book with the ARD. “I pointed out which problem could be associated with it. Nobody was interested. Mischke said about “different those responsible”: “In my knowledge, nobody of them read the book or spoke to the publisher.” Initially, the Culture bosses of the ARD channels would have been behind him. “But then it is overturned. Not so much because of the comments or because of the open letter, but because of the reporting in mirror, time, southern German, Guardian. “

At Christmas, the ARD Mischke had publicly defended. Already on January 4, the broadcasting network separated with reference to the controversy from the proposed “TTT” moderator. In the meantime, the ARD editor-in-chief Mischke asked “whether something could come out of it. I’m pretty sure he said whether I could get out that I raped someone. I have never experienced anything that is unprofessional“, Mischke claims in the” Zeit “interview.

His designated moderator colleague didn’t want to speak to him at first and she didn’t read the book. In addition, “she was convinced that what was rumored in the shitstorm was my image of women.” A WDR program director confronted him with the statement that he was “already a sex journalist”. The ARD denied the statements of the program director, the moderator and the editor -in -chief of the “ZEIT”. (

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