There are 81 Italian fiction books proposed for the 79th edition of the Strega Prize From Sunday friends, the historical nucleus of the jury. In 2024 the reported books were 82 (a record number), while in 2023 they had reached 80 and in 2022 they had stopped at 74. It will now be up to the Steering Committee – composed of Pietro Abate, Giuseppe D’Avino, Valeria Della Valle, Alberto Foschini, Paolo Giordano, Dacia Maraini, Melania G. Mazzucco, Gabriele Pedullà, Stefano Petrocchi, Marino Sinibaldi and Giovanni and Giovanni SOLIMINE – The task of selecting the twelve titles admitted to compete.
Tuesday 15 April the dozen finalist will be announced During the press conference to be held at the Rome Chamber of Commerce in the Temple room of Vibia Sabina and Adriano. The cinquina will be voted in June, while the proclamation of the winner will take place on Thursday 3 July, as per tradition in Rome in the scenario of the Nymphaeum of Villa Giulia. On the website of the Strega Prize ( it is possible to view all the books presented and the related reasons.
Out of 81 proposed books, the authors are 30 (one of the titles is signed by four hands by two women) and the publishers represented 59including numerous small publishing houses. The major editorial groups are present with multiple authors and therefore only one for brand in the end it will possibly enter the dozen. There are five titles published by Mondadori: Dario Buzzolan with “Baracca and puppets” proposed by Massimo Gramellini; Simona Dolce with “The real name of Rosamund Fischer” proposed by Filippo La Porta; Angelo Ferracuti with “The son of Forrest Gump” proposed by Lorenzo Pavolini; Paolo Nori with “close the door and scream” proposed by Giuseppe Antonelli; Alessandro Perissinotto with “The war of the crossbar” proposed by Alessandro Barbero. And five also the titles of The ship of Teseo: Roberto went with “The Crocodrillo of Palermo” proposed by Roberto Alajmo; Roberto Ferrucci with “The world he made” proposed by Claudio Magris; Dario Franceschini with “Aqua and Tera” proposed by Romano Montroni; Andrea Moro with “fifty -one days” proposed by Paolo Di Paolo; Raffaele Nigro with “The gift of love” proposed by Renato Minore.
Two titles published by Feltrinelli: Andrea Bajani, with “The Anniversary” proposed by Emanuele Trevi and Federica De Paolis, with “by Mother” proposed by Giancarlo de Cataldo. Two titles are also two Bompiani: Antonella Cilento with “La Babylonian” proposed by Sandra Petrignani and Giorgia Tolfo with “Wild Swimming” proposed by Laura Pugno. Three of those of Solferino: Rossano Astremo with “Nude di Father” proposed by Francesco Caringella, Piera Carlomagno with “Everywhere I will go” proposed by Valeria Parrella and Gianluca Peciola with “The line of silence. History of family and armed struggle” proposed by Gioacchino de Chirico.
As usual the great witch’s dance, the most coveted prize of the Italian literary scene, It is accompanied by rumors. The voices on the favorites to enter the dozen speak of Andò, Bajani, Cilento, Nigro, Nigro, then Nadia Terranova with “What I know of you” (Guanda) proposed by Salvatore Silvano Nigro, Nicoletta Verna with “The days of glass” (Einaudi), proposed by Elena Stancanelli, Michele Masneri with “Paradiso” (Adelphi) proposed by Gian Arturo Ferrari, Gino Castaldo with “The boy of the century or of the lost revolution” (Harpercollins Italy) proposed by Neri Marcorè, Wanda Marasco with “From behind this world” (Neri Pozza), proposed by Giulia Ciarapica, and Giorgio Van Staten with “La Ribelle. Extraordinary life of Nada Parri” (Laterza), proposed by Edoardo Nesi.
There is an insistence of good possibilities to be selected for the former Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini. A group of jurors, according to rumors, would focus on Stefano Rapone (co-conductor of the Podcast Tintoria) with “Tales written by naked women” (Rizzoli Lizard), proposed by Beppe Cottafavi, to animate the race.
Then there is the chapter of the authors published by small publishing housesand in general in the dozen they manage to conquer at least three places. The open game would see in the running among others Valerio Aiolli with “Portofino Blues” (Voland), proposed by Laura Bosio; Pier Paolo di Mino with “Lo Splendore. Vol. 1: Hans’s childhood” (Laurana Editore), proposed by Saverio Simonelli; Enrico Fink with “A story of ghosts” (Lindau), proposed by Ottavia Piccolo; Giulio Milani with “Code Canda. Ingrate homelands letters!” (Transeuropa), proposed by Massimo Onofri; Morena Pedriali Errani with “The sky above Gaza has no colors” (Perrone), proposed by Giorgio Nisini. (by Paolo Martini)
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