Loose stones fuses cinema, theater and dance to relive the pagu memory

The visit to Mexico of Regina Miranda, choreographer, director and theoretical of the movement, marks a milestone in the scenic exploration of the legacy of Patricia Galvão, known as Pag (1910-1962).

With its direction, the company Regina Miranda & Atores dancers present today and tomorrow at the Guillermina Bravo Dance Theater Loose stonesassembly that fuses cinema, theater and dance, to relive the memory of the writer, playwright and Brazilian activist.

In an interview with The dayMiranda stressed the importance of addressing Pag From interdiscipline: The incorporation of cinema in the choreographic theater allows to complex the scenic writing, expands the possibilities of reading and reinforces the poetic dimension of the body.

In the context of the international and Latin American meetings of women in art, the staging, played by the Brazilian actress and dancer Lithia Tourinho, charges particular relevance. Not only does the literary and political legacy of Pagbut also exposes the rawness of its confinement, the violence of torture and resistance that left printed in drawings and manuscripts.

We did not want to illustrate its history, but to generate an experience in which the public felt oppression, struggle and hope in the bodyMiranda added, whose Brazilian group has more than 40 years of experience.

The piece arose from a research process that involved the review of autobiographical writings and sketches made by Pag During your prison time. On stage, Tourinho gives life to the voice and the figure of the writer with a mixture of fragility and rebellion.

Each movement dialogues with the projections that cover the space: words that resonate in the air, strokes superimposed on a corporality that never falls. The memory of Pag It is reconfigured in a meticulous assembly of textual, visual and choreographic fragments.

“In 2022 we organized the International Conference 22+100: Laban and the modernist project in Rio de Janeiro. From that experience we create a piece inspired by Pag And we realized that we had to continue deepening in his legacy, ”said Miranda.

The director, who has dedicated her career to the intersection between the performing arts and the movement, conceives Loose stones As an act of scenic resistance, in which the limits between disciplines are blurred to amplify the message.

The women’s encounter in art, led by Leticia Armijo, has established itself as a fundamental space for the visibility of the work of Ibero -American creators. In addition to the mentioned assembly, the programming includes shows from various groups.

The contemporary dance production center will present from today to Sunday Nicolasa (to Guillermina)tribute to the choreographer Guillermina Bravo, while Muhuvidanza will address themes of migration and resistance.

What interests me most about this type of meetings is the opportunity to make visible works that might not find a space on more conventional platformsRegina Miranda stressed.

Throughout his career, he has been firm in his purpose of breaking the borders between artistic disciplines, with the conviction that theater and dance should not be seen only as forms of entertainment, but as powerful tools to generate social awareness.

“My work seeks to provoke an aesthetic experience, but at the same time open a space for reflection on urgent issues. This presentation aspires to go beyond the mere exhibition of the work of Paginviting the public to question the structures that perpetuate inequality and oppression, ”Miranda concluded.

The functions of Loose stones They will be today and tomorrow at 20 hours at the Guillermina Bravo Dance Theater of the Cultural Center of the Forest (Reforma and Campo Marte). Tickets cost 150 pesos and can be purchased at the box office.

By Editor

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