Mothers report on harassment on the Berlin Ensemble

At the Berlin Ensemble there are said to have been against mothers in the Mullying Making department. That goes from one Research of the magazine “Der Spiegel” emerged. According to its own statements, the magazine spoke to 16 former and current employees of the mask department of the famous Berlin stage, which describe incidents of abuse of power. Most no longer work on the house.

The management of the house under the directorate of Oliver Reese writes the Tagesspiegel in a statement that she knows the situation in the “Mask” department and took the cases described very seriously from the start.

Bullying against mothers

There is talk of exploitation and harassment in the “Spiegel” research. Many of the women who commented on the magazine are mothers. The head of the masking department had requested constant availability, also from single mothers. On -call duty on theaters is not uncommon, but often not regulated, including on the BE. The article speaks of a system of control and obedience.

Deavia and control

Among other things, the temporary employee, Marie Z., that she had to be available, must also be available, and on weekends and on public holidays, often have to take on evening performances at short notice, regardless of her situation as a mother with a child who was known. There were degradation and contemptuous sayings from the chief of the mask department. The smallest work steps were meticulously checked. Those who did not move were no longer given responsible tasks and feared their job.

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The women began to defend themselves in 2023. A joint letter from those affected to the boss as well as several letters, suggestions for improvement and conversations with the directorate and management of the theater have not led to improvements from the perspective of the respondents. Many of those affected asked for dissolution contracts, several told the “mirror” that they had to be letted sick because of work.

Mediation procedures were initiated

The management (GF) of the Berlin Ensemble says in a statement to the Tagesspiegel: “Targeted measures were taken to improve the situation. There were regular discussions of the GF with those involved and mediation processes as well as professional coaching and team workshops were organized and carried out. Most recently, there was a conversation from the GF with the entire ‘mask’ department at the end of 2024, in which the participants were positive about the current mood in the team and at the house. ”

The theater also explains: “Neither in this conversation nor afterwards the GF has been communicated current problems (not even anonymously). Nevertheless, the process continues and this continues the conversation formats with the employees. In addition, in cooperation with the Fürstenberg Institute for all employees, free and (anonymous) perceptible psychosocial advice on all topics of professional and private life offers to ensure good working conditions on the house. ”

According to “Spiegel” articles, not all those affected see this so rosy. There are said to be current cases in which the works council has been consulted again.

By Editor

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