The Great Boy, who has charming the rapper, sells gigs with its music based on humor and justice.

“But I’ll put my rapper on the head. ”

It is the first Saturday in March, and Lahti Restaurant Torve’s back room has a woody atmosphere. The sold -out gig of Good Boys is about to begin. Kosmo Jutila So ¥ Oung Oatl ¥ ponders his headgear choices.

“The excitement is slowly starting to feel,” Jutila says.

Miro von Konow That is, acute m tape t-shirts for sale. Leo Minkkinen That is, MC whisking is frustrated with the set list.

“Listen to what your body says. Go with the flow, ”von Konow encourages a twinkle in the eye.

At the end of January, Good Boys, which released his second full -length album, has been praised for his cheerful and energetic gigs. Even in Lahti, there is a boom to the stage, and the audience responds by lifting the hands towards the ceiling, laughing and dancing.

Five people on a cramped stage are almost hypnotic to watch. One song plays accordion, another pulls the sunglasses on the head and stumbles upon the level.

“You are fucking good to rape!” The audience is shouted.



Good Boys is already known for his boisterous gigs. At the beginning of March, the band waned the audience in Torve, Lahti.

Good Boysin There is a demand for a humorous sense of humor. This is illustrated, for example, by the public vote in the Victory YleX Breakthrough 2025 competition and the attachment to next summer’s Flow Festival.

“In a good rap, one essential thing is the seed of humor,” Minkkinen says at the band’s studio in Helsinki a few days before the Lahti gig.

“Even if the music is gloomy, putting some flap in the middle makes the gloom of irons.”

Laughing has been a conscious aspiration of the band’s members since the Good Boys began in the fall of 2017.

In the early days there was no rap career.

“We just made funny songs for each other, who then laughed,” Lauri Lindh Eli Hiu Loor Sanan.

In the latest record writing process, members of the band cooperated more. Particular attention was paid to ranks that did not laugh enough.

“If the goal is to make fun of music and it’s not fun, then it’s nothing,” Lindh says.

“But not every law anyway need to laugh”, Roy Kaarla So Sensei Cook points out.



Good Boys prepared for the evening’s gig in the back room of Lahti.

Arrogance And exacerbation is a rap that Good Boysk used in 2018 with his first Mixt tap in 2018. The traditional Finnish rapeseed vocabulary had been embarrassed, and the spirit of the time encouraged “edgy,” as Lindh states.

Lindh is the only one who did not listen to Finnish rappers in his youth. Others grew, listening to ASA, Paper T and Rähinä artists, but also, for example, heavy and Yankee rappers.

“We have a lot of scattering in what everyone has listened to in time, and we don’t always agree on what kind of music is good,” von Konow says.

From the beginning, rap music included expression in a lot of expression. It was common to cultivate misogynia and objectify women in the US Gangstarapi.

“When young, the brutal songs felt like cool, but nowadays they just start cringe.”

Delicious attitudes have also flourished in lyrics intended for Finnish rap. “The most skid, the nobler, the nicer,” MC Taakibörsa declared PA 2001 -EP: llään.

In recent years, sexism in Finnish rap has repeatedly risen to public debate. Eight years ago Elastic and Cheek Prophets rose to headlines with rhyme where “lesbians turn into streaks”. In 2022 Lewin and Tourist the female hatred of the songs of the song aroused criticism in somme And made at least one venue to cancel the tourist’s gig.



Art high school districts and interest in rappers came together in 2017.

In high school The members of Good Boys did not think about questioning the idea that the rap should say things that should not be said.

“When young, the brutal songs seemed like cool, but nowadays they are just starting to cringe,” von Konow says.

“It’s pretty boring, unimaginable and tasteless to disguise something that is really problematic. And then hide behind this that this is such a flap now, ”Jutila says.

“Drunk people are reckless. Good Boys has a holt. ”

There is still much to do, as there are still songs that have offensive content on both Finland and around the world, says von Konow.

“The gang listens to them and thinks you can do this.”

The band’s members do not highlight certain offensive songs, but for example Snoop Doggin and The dragon In the successful new albums on the lists, the expressions “bitch” and “HO” are standard vocabulary.

If the lyrics are likely to hurt someone’s feelings, it is essential to think about whether you could say something else, Minkkinen says.

“It’s not terribly difficult not to say anything miserable.”



Good Boys’ popularity has grown steadily over the years. Now it seems possible that members of the band could also make a living from music.

Rich Also, alcohol in the traditional cornerstones of the suburbs does not play a key role in the lyrics of Good Boys.

“I don’t think it’s the coolest flexion in the world that it has been drunk,” Lindh says.

The band prefers to be clearly on the way to make music, and as a rule, you do not drink beer before gigs. The fresh album is more technical than previous albums, and performing songs requires precision.

“Drunk people are reckless. Good Boys has a holt, ”Minkkinen says.

Good Boys’ popularity has grown steadily over the years. Now we are at a point where there are plenty of gigs and making a living with music seems possible.

More important However, it is like the pursuit of success is to remain faithful to one’s own views – this is emphasized by everyone in turn. By doing one’s own story, the current solid fanbase has also been built.

Of course, my own song would be nice, Kaarla says. However, the song should sound like Good Boys and not have been done specifically by aiming for a list.

“At that point, it’s not art, but Kontsa,” Lindh says.



The audience was fully caught in the Great Boys gig in Lahti.



Humor is an essential part of Good Boys songs. Leo Minkkinen compiled the Lahden gig set in the back room of the horn.

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