The Galician writer and journalist Lola Fernández Pazos, Author of the novel ‘The secret of perfection’ (Harper Collins), which treats issues such as historical memory, female empowerment and emigration, has advocated being “more empathic with people who come” to Spain.
“That we are aware that those people who have left their countries are like the Galicians who left their land and carry with them an emotional tear of separating from their loved ones. And I wanted to focus there so that we were more empathic with the people who come to our country“He said in an interview with Europa Press Fernández, also author of the book ‘El Pazo de Lourizán’.
Although this work is not the second part of ‘The Pazo de Lourizán’, ‘The secret of perfection’ gives continuity to the character of Lúa Cid Palacios, in a story that will take it to the 20s of the last century and whose protagonist is Elvira Fandiño, one of the first workers of the Bueu’s perfectionin Pontevedra, who aspires to improve his humble life with a trip to the Americas.
“I wanted to make a ‘Marín trilogy’, which is my town and where I liveand it is an ode to the Galician morriña, because the two (novels) begin in the second person, and that second person is the consciousness of Lúa Cid, which is the one that at the beginning tells everything a bit, and it is the consciousness that is saying ‘Do not forget’, “Fernández detailed, who has revealed that the idea of this second novel arose as a root that was repeated throughout her life. This same nightmare is discovered at the beginning of the book; It is the prologue of ‘The Secret of Perfection’.
Much of the plot happens in Uruguay, Argentina, Venezuela or Mexico, as Fernández has detailed. “The novel is not going to stay in Spain, but will also travel to America. They are destinations of the Galicians where they migrated. Because at that time, wealth was there, “he said.
The Catalan exodus is also present in the novel, thanks to the discovery of the author of the Maritime Migratory Movement of thousands of Catalans to the Baixas Rías called ‘The invasion of the Barretinas’ that began in 1750 and lasted until 1832.
“It is not known so much in the rest of Spain and I think that immigration movement of all the Catalans who came from Girona, Barcelonaof many regions of Catalonia, and that created a colony here, “said Fernández.
“Business failures”
Economic journalist, Lola Fernández Pazos has expressed her “interest” in the family economy and “family business failures” in his two books: “A business failure will always be motivated by something external. This is the case of the ice factory in ‘El Pazo de Lourizán’ was the arrival of freezing ships and in this case, you have to read the novel and know why that conservative collapsed“He said.
The business history of the factory the perfection existed and, in fact, it was the same founder, Salvador Massó Palau (who in the novel appears as Salvino Massip), who called it that way.
The book, with historical novel dyes with “current” testimonies to make it more enjoyable “, tells how the factory was created perfection and how” entrepreneurs intended to be perfect for women. ”
“The Galician woman goes from being barefoot in the factories to a factory where you can sit, where the sanitary conditions were good. The first social worker is hired, who is Ana María Soto, and she is going to fight for the conditions of all workers, “Fernández remarked about the preferaea perfection, whose photograph appears on the cover of the book, where the image of this first floor is recreated, whose nave of metallic structure was dismantled so 20 years ago, in 2005.
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