The US Supreme Court annuls the ruling that dictated that Pissarro stolen by the Nazis is owned by the Thyssen Museum

The US Supreme Court has annulled the ruling issued by an American appeal court confirmed that a picture of Camille Pissarro stolen by the Nazis in Germany in 1939 belongs to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, As sources from the Spanish firm B. Cremades & Asociados have informed Europa Press.

The Jewish community of Madrid and the Federation of Jewish communities of Spain presented a letter last February before the United States Supreme Court in support of the family of David Cassirer, who asks that he be conducted as owner of Camille Pisarro’s work ‘Rue Saint-Honoré in the afternoon. Rain effect ‘.

The writing of ‘A friend of the court “ (Third interested) presented by the Spanish law firm B. Cremades & associated before the US Supreme Court in support of the Cassirer family stated that Spain does not have a legitimate interest in applying article 1955 of the Spanish Civil Code, which would allow to keep the work.

There is still a lot of fabric to cut, there is a lot of battle. Is far from ending“The lawyer Bernardo Cremades Jr., of Office B. Cremades & Asociados, which represents the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) and the Jewish community of Madrid-in support of the Cassirer family, said to Europa Press.

Now, the case will have to return to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to make a new decision in the light of the law that was approved in California, which says that foreign law cannot be applied, as in this case Spain, to determine who is the legitimate owner of the table.

And this law clearly says that a thief or a person who has obtained an illicit good cannot transmit a valid title. So, most likely the Court of Appeals will have to take this law into consideration and say that Spain has to return the picture. It would be natural, “said Europa Press, lawyer Bernardo Cremades Jr.

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