Guarantee access to an inclusive literature, axis of action of the inbal

With an ambitious work plan for 2025, the Poet and Cultural Promoter Nadia López García, National Literature Coordinator of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (Inbal), is proposed to promote a diverse and inclusive programming that guarantees access to literature in Mexico.

Its management also includes more than 600 activities throughout the year, focused on strengthening reading promotion, promoting writing in indigenous languages ​​and expanding the formation of new audiences.

One of the most significant events within this agenda is the National Meeting of Writers in Indigenous Languages, which will be held on March 15 at the Palace of Fine Arts, as part of the commemorations for International Women’s Day.

For López García, this initiative represents a historical debt with indigenous writers, who have fought to make their languages ​​and worldviews within Mexican literature.

Sometimes we think of literature only from Spanish, but in reality there are 68 more ways of making literature in this countrysaid the coordinator in an interview with The day.

“During this meeting, poetic voices can be heard in 10 different indigenous languages, including those of Natalia Toledo, Celerina Sánchez and Juana Karen Peñate. In addition, a commemorative book of the activity will be distributed free of charge.

At the same time, reading in original languages ​​will be promoted. Projects such as poetic emergencies, tour of women poets and singers through the educational centers of Inbal will also be promoted.

Another axes of his work focuses on the creation of spaces for literary training and appreciation aimed at diverse audiences. In this context, Nadia López García announced that all the activities of the National Literature Coordination (CNL) They will be freeincluding workshops, conferences, diplomas and book presentations.

In addition, special emphasis will be placed on the formation of children fanfic (fictitious history based on another fiction work).

One of the most prominent initiatives within the CNL literary promotion strategy is the creation of the Fine Arts of Tlaxcala literature in indigenous languages. This award aims to recognize the work of writers in native languages ​​and provide greater visibility in the national literary landscape.

It is crucial to recognize and value indigenous languages ​​not only as a cultural wealth, but also as a living source of literature. This award seeks to strengthen that presenceLópez García added.

Mexican Poetry Library

The CNL will continue with the traditional beautiful arts of literature awards, which are Pilar in their strategy to encourage creation in various genres and recognize literary trajectories. However, this year there is a novelty: winning people must carry out 15 hours of social compensation, bringing the letters to vulnerable populations.

López García commented: We want literature to transcend the celebration and reach those who need it most. This is a more inclusive way of making it.

Another relevant project is the Library specialized in Mexican poetry, which will be installed at the Xavier Villaurrutia Cultural Center and is expected to open at the end of the year, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Mexican writer. The space is emerging as a meeting point for reading, analysis and poetic production.

This place is designed for all poets, both those already consolidated and those who just begin. We want to offer easy access to a quality literary collection that serves as inspiration and resource for new writershighlighted the coordinator.

Regarding the preservation of literary heritage, López García stressed the importance of protecting the historical collection of the CNL, which currently has more than 75 thousand files, including sound, videographic and photographic documents.

We have historical recordings of emblematic voices, such as those of Rosario Castellanos and Octavio Paz, as well as with original manuscripts that until now have only been consulted by researchers. We want this material to be accessible to allhe said.

As part of this initiative, a call for research residences will be launched that will allow specialists to work with this material and generate new publications. In addition, in collaboration with the National Fonoteca, we will work on the shelter of the sound archive of the Lioness Vicar House, an effort to preserve and disseminate the country’s literary heritage.

The CNL reading promotion strategy also includes activities aimed at childhood and youth. It is essential to form new readers. Sometimes literature seems distant, but if we find the right languages, we can bring reading from their interests and contextsNadia López García explained.

We must stop thinking about literature as something hierarchical. There is no superior and peripheral narrative. All forms of writing are valid and have a real impact on those who read them. The key is to ensure that all voices are heard and valued.

The tributes to the literary figures remain fundamental in the programming, with activities such as protagonists of the literature, which honors authors over 60 years, and the cycle the various roots, which explores literature in native languages ​​from the perspective of writers. Taxes will also be paid to Rosario Castellanos, Xavier Villaurrutia and Emilio Carballido.

Many women are writing from resistance, tenderness and fire. Our work is to open more spaces. It is not just about celebrating literature, but of inhabiting it. We must do it ours, live it, listen and feel itNadia López concluded.

By Editor

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