In his new album, Dora Juárez invests around living matters and consciousness

In the light of dawn, at the intersection of clarity with darkness, the album Whale planet, by Dora Juárez Kiczkovsky, reflects on a tour of the care of the living, such as breastfeeding or sowing. The sound landscape that proposes emerges from nature, with sea, wind, deserts and fire.

The vocal and composer interpreter will offer a concert with the songs of this album next Thursday at La Lago House, in the Chapultepec forest.

The song Whale planet Give name to the album. With slow, repetitive and atmospheric sounds, it was the first to come to light on digital platforms. It is a metaphor and a call to the notion of a spherical creature in which we sail as small microbes in the cosmos oceanmanifests the author on this eight -minute topic.

This creature generates marveling at every time it emerges. I also try that the music has a space in which one as listening has a backwater to resttalks in the interview in a park in the south of the city, surrounded by trees that give oxygen in the middle of chaos and pollution.

So far, the Mexican singer has only released two themes. The second is titled Send, With children’s voices, including that of his son, Teo.

Between your previous album, Songs for a diaspora, y Whale planet, There are seven years of separation. In this period, he replied, changed everything: she was a mother, she moved to the Oaxaca coast, learned bioconstruction and built her house, in addition to sowing plants and trees.

Whale planet It is an album that encompasses a whole vital process. In the words of Dora Juárez, he wants to open a portal of perception in a fertile land to recognize something beyond our gaze, at a time when people are conditioned to focus on an object that we constantly pursue, as well as in our desires and our duties.

His previous production was a disc of Canto Sefaradí, in which he tracked the roots with popular lyric themes. His background is in transatlantic migration and exiles.

The new moment of his life now lies in his roots, after the migration he made and the roots of his home, next to his son, the sea, nature. The album Whale planet It was co -produced with Federico Schmucler, in which vocal music with electronic elements, where aesthetic and discursive horizons expands.

Each topic is a microclimatewith an intimate narrative about birth, planting, death, inquiry of living matter and consciousness.

In his curriculum he describes as a singer, composer, mother, filmmaker and bioconstructive. Including maternity in the list is a statement to give voice to women who also work and raise. We carry a warp in parallel, as Maternar is a 24 -hour job. Take care of life, gestate it, nourish it, create it with your bones, with your marrow, with your milk. We have to look at the enormous value and how to create is heroic. And I say it on the name of all. Consider that motherhood opened another dimension.

In these weeks he left his house, his plants and the sea to promote the album that will gradually publish on digital platforms, as it is now customary. Dora observes that in these years the way of making music changed a lot, and when he returns from his digital exile, he learns this new world, forced in a way.

Explains that it makes a primordial call to notice that They are eating the brain with social networksin a capitalist way to look towards life and be drained. I am living the contradiction.

This Thursday’s concert, at the Alicia Urreta forum in the House of the Lake, will start at 6:30 p.m. Juarez will sing live accompanied by Fernando Vigueras, Francisco Bringas and Alejandro Tux. Alfiovisual art of Alethia Andrade will be added. In this place the Cedé will be on sale; It can also be acquired through your personal Facebook and Instagram profiles.

By Editor

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