The Council of Ministers has approved on Tuesday, at the proposal of the Minister of Culture, Ernest greater the Royal Decree by which the Apiculture in Spain as a representative manifestation of intangible cultural heritage.
The recognition will contribute to the safeguard of this practice present in multiple regions of the Spanish territory, with strong identity and territorial management values, according to culture in a press release.
Currently This activity faces multiple risks and threats derived from climate change, of pesticides and competition in a globalized market, among others. In addition, the role of the carrier community in the knowledge and practice of beekeeping is fundamental and, nevertheless, in some areas there is hardly any generational relief, which hinders the continuity of this manifestation.
The bee production procedure consists, since its inception, in achieving colonies of bees in hives in which they make honeycombs from which honey is collected and from those who obtain wax and other derived products.
The implementation of beekeeping over the centuries has been advancing with different methods from the Neolithiceven modern beekeeping techniques, as is the case of mobilist beekeeping, which in Spain began to be majority from the 70s.
Their practices and knowledge are associated with different fields, from the relationship with nature to agroganade activities, culinary uses or rituals associated with each of the phases: capture of swarms or swarms or swarms, tasting and casting, to which the bee pushing is added.
Likewise, around these productive practices, a whole framework of festivities, beliefs, values, trades and activities, life forms and governance of territorial resources, as well as the different tools and related infrastructures, has been developed.
These practices continue to leave their mark on the communities involved and both professionals and people who develop apícola activity and complement of other primary activities are integrated for self -consumption.
Biodiversity maintenance
On the other hand, beekeeping is a practice that provides important ecosystem benefits for both the pollination and maintenance of biodiversity and for the detection of the modifications produced by climate change, derived from the traditional knowledge of the flowering processes, the climate, of the bees – in particular, of the native species – and of its health and behavior.
The value of pollination for biodiversity maintenance and the regeneration of ecosystems is also a benefit derived from the heritage protection of beekeeping.
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