Wajdi Mouawad creates stupor by leaving the direction of the hill earlier than expected

Appointed by Emmanuel Macron in 2016, the director of the National Theater announced that he would complete his mandate in March 2026. According to our information, Rachida Dati should not seek to remember him.

Thunderbolt in the Landernau of the theater! Wajdi Mouawad announced that he would resign from his post as director of the hill to the general staff meeting held on Tuesday March 11 and the board of directors on Wednesday. His decision will take effect on March 8, 2026. He should have left the hill in 2027. He left a year before the end of his mandate because in the previous time, the State took nine months before renewing his mandate. He had been appointed by the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, on April 6, 2016 and had remained “interim” in its functions from May 2024 to March 2024.

After ten years of good and loyal service, Wajdi Mouawad intends to devote his work as an author and artist entirely. In the past, he had already refused to be at the head of national dramatic centers, but had been seduced by the hill which is dedicated to contemporary writing. Informed, Rachida Dati, the Minister of Culture should not seek to retain him entrusts a familiar with the theater who wants to remain anonymous. Which deplores a cup of subsidies of 500,000 euros in 2024. Which had forced the director to reduce his programming by half.

Who to succeed him?

The hill that will celebrate its fortieth anniversary in 2027 will close its doors next July until the first quarter of 2026 for work intended to improve the energy performance of the building, the reception of the public and the working conditions.

Wajdi Mouawad could be replaced by a director. To date, Caroline Guiela Nguyen is the only woman to lead a national theater, that of Strasbourg since 2023. The question had arisen at the Comédie-Française. Without success.

By Editor

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