Director Törhönen’s doctoral dissertation is not violated by good scientific practice

According to the Research Ethics Advisory Committee, the University of Lapland also carried out a carefully and guidelines for the dissertation process.

Film director Lauri Törhönen The pre -examiners and instructors of the doctoral dissertation did not commit violations of good scientific practice. This is how the Research Ethics Advisory Board considers. According to it, the University of Lapland also carried out a careful and guideline related to the dissertation process.

Rector of the University of Lapland Antti Syväjärvi Earlier, he considered in his decision that there was no good scientific practice during the pre -examination and guidance of the dissertation. The pre -examiners of the dissertation were not disqualified. Also, the pre -examiners and the doctoral dissertation instructors had not committed disregard for good scientific practice.

The Research Ethics Advisory Board received two requests for an opinion on which it now commented on.

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